With the Dinos !!

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Bryon was thrashed on the ground with so much force that he has wheat bag spilt open and he was bombarded with smell of wheat. Bryon whined but he wasn't the only one, when Bryon hit the jagged rocks he landed on what seemed like a bird but with slender, long legs and sharp, pointed teeth. The Bird tried to squirm out from underneath Bryon but with the weight of the wheat Brian was very heavy.

Julia's acceleration towards a lake was slowed down dramatically by multiple trees that overhung from a cliff but she still hit the water with a loud splash. It was unbelievable but Julia actually survived the scracthing from the trees and finally the impact from the water with only some minor bruises.

Bryon, after managing to get away from the bird looking thing which by the way almost died with all the weight on top of it, was extremely thristy because it was blazing with heat from the Sun... The Sun, Bryon was sure that it was supposed to be midnight and no Sun comes out at midnight. Trying to knock the Sun thing out of his head Bryon went looking for water which wasn't very hard because he only had to peer over the cliff to see a magnificent lake, but he also saw a human.

He got down and helped the human who turned out to be Julia, Bryon's best friend.

Take note that Bryon and Julia were completely unaware what they just got into...

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