Day with Edward

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Chapter 10: Day with Edward

I didn't have any classes Tuesday, so Edward and I were going to spend most of the day together until he had to go to his evening classes. This sucked, since I wouldn't see him until noon the next day. But I was glad we had a little time. Anyway, today we were going for breakfast, going sightseeing again to where I haven't been yet, out for lunch and going back to his house for a little; he's making me dinner. And I am making dessert- my mom’s famous strawberry shortcake. I didn't even know if he liked strawberry.

It's too bad if he doesn't-that's all I can afford. I can't wait to see him. I was surprised that my mom didn't call me today. I went upstairs to find something to wear. I was digging into my dresser until I finally found something that I knew was decent. Then I went into the bathroom to wash up and I got dressed before I headed downstairs and waited for Edward to pick me up.

I was waiting for him when my phone rang.


"Hey girl, it's me, Leah, from school."

"Leah! what a surprise!"

"I know you didn't expect me to call, but I need to tell you something."

"I know you just called, but Edward just pulled up, how about you give me your number and I'll call you when I have time."

"Sure, it's 259 541 0371."

"Thanks, bye." I hung up the phone. Edward had just driven up, so that wasn't a lie, but "I'll call" was a lie. She was annoying and I made it a point to never hang out with her.

I took out my cake, grabbed my keys and headed toward the door. Edward was about to knock on the door when I opened it. I closed the door and locked it. We kissed, then walked to his car. I couldn't keep my hands to myself. He opened the door and I got in. He closed my door and walked over to his side, he got in and we were off for his house before breakfast so we could put my cake in the fridge, then we were off for breakfast. I didn't realize how hungry I was.

We had breakfast and lunch at little cafes. We parked the car and we got out and walked in. We didn't have to wait to be seated. Edward showed us to our table. As we sat right down the waiter came over, handed us the menus and introduced himself. His name was Jacob. He left us for a while, then returned to take our orders. I had blueberry pancakes with a side of sausage and orange juice. Edward ordered fried eggs and bacon with a cup of coffee. He returned with our drinks. Edward and I talked while we waited for our meals to come.

Our meals came within ten minutes. They looked good. As we were eating we didn't talk much. The food was amazing. The food was more better here than at home. After we got done, he went up to pay for it, then we were off sightseeing in a different part of the country. We took the train, and I still had my camera in my purse. I wanted to show my parents different things.

We went to Rome. Rome was pretty, then we ate at a little hole in the wall called Holy Wall for lunch. We had the same thing. Then we took a little walk around town before we headed for his house.

After we went for a walk, we got in and headed back to his place. When we arrived at his house, he parked the car and got out and came over to my side, then he helped me out. We walked to his house. When we were inside and the door was closed and locked. I had him against the door and  I lean towards him.

"Bella, are you sure you want to do this?" Edward asked.

"Yeah, I think I am ready," I answered.

"I know you're new to this, not that you are afraid of it," Edward admitted

"No, we have been fooling around," I reassured him I’m fine.

"Well, then I'm fine with your decision."

He took off my shirt and jeans. We were fooling around until*--He made spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread. The table was set and the radio was playing. It was a special day. Since Edward and I could spend the day together it felt like we were meant to be together. I wish we could spend more time together. I just don't want to think about leaving and not seeing him over the break. It would break my heart. SO I made it the best I could.

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