Chapter Five: Mafia Business

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I have mafia business to handle and I'm leaving for Italy today.

I decided to make my last deal today. It's not usual that I deal but I wanted to be greedy and get the extra $1 million dollars that he was gonna pay me.

I saw Imani in the restaurant and I didn't look at her at all. I never know anyone could be watching and I don't want her to get kidnapped for something I did.

After the deal I left and headed on my flight to Italy.

My mafia is more important than two women's opinions.

"Ciao Antonio ho bisogno di tutti i miei fucili e uomini pronti per un imboscata im heading in casa sicura adesso." (Hi Antonio I need all my guns and men ready for an ambush im heading to safe house now.)

I loosen my tie and I pull up in front of the gate. Our guard looked at me one time before opening the gate for me.

I grabbed my duffle bag and got in a van.

When we arrived at the Cortez estate. Or the bitch who thinks he can outsmart me estate.

I ram in the door and my men shoot every one they see. Screaming and chaos is filling the house.

I go downstairs to where I know his safe room is and I scream, "Cortez I know you're in there. Open up buddy. We got some business to handle." When I got no response I set off a dud grenade and the door opened.

I shot his daughter and son and then I threw him on the ground.

"Where's my money." I kept my gun aimed directly between his eyes. "It's right there." He said sobbing. He was crying over his kids bodies. I grabbed my money which was $50 million and I stopped.

"If only you would've given me my money. Don't worry try to make some new bastards. Those were spoiled anyway." I pet his head like a dog and walked out house. My men were already waiting for me.

I called my friend in the police department.

"Ciao my friend what can I do for you?" I laughed. "I need you to keep this whole thing quiet. It was an armed robbery gone terribly wrong. Destroy any camera footage." I know he'll get the job done because I pay him a good amount of money.

"No problem." He hung up. I wiped the blood off my face.

Suddenly the van jerked and I blacked out.

I woke up surrounded by men.

I rolled my eyes. One of the men kicked me in the stomach.

"Merda, you wanna fight? Let's fight." I stood up and punched the man in the face. Then I swiped his legs and started to kick him while he's down. The next man got a low blow to the balls and I took his gun and hit him on the head.

The other man that was on the ground groaned. He managed to get me the ground and punch me repeatedly in the stomach.

I reach for the gun and first shoot his friend then him.

I limp over to the cell that I am in and shake the bars. I search the men for keys and found none. "Shit."

I sit in the cell and wait.


"Valentino Armano." A man walks in. My hand tightened around he gun behind me.

"Did you seriously think that Danny Cortez would let you come anywhere near his children?" Shit.

"Those were lookalikes. You're lucky one of your men got away and took the $50 mil. I'll let you have it because I know you bought an apartment for $49 million US dollars for that girl. " My jaw clenched.

"Let me the fuck out." I demanded.

"You're not in the position to make demands." I noticed the man was unarmed. I took out the gun quickly and shot him in the leg.

He screamed and collapsed the ground in front of the cage.

"You're not a real man if you scream while taking a bullet." I tell him then shoot him in the head.

I reached for his body and unhook the keys from his belt loop.

I let myself out and the cell door was open.

What mob did this because they are clearly amateurs.

I climbed up a ladder with much difficulty because I probably have a broken rib. I push up what seems to be a trap door. It leads me to a basement of what seems to be a parking space.

I tuck the gun in my boot and walk out.

I take the elevator up to the ground floor and exit the building.

I get to a pay phone and dial one of the multiple numbers I know by heart.

My best friend Nikolas.

"Hello." A female answers. I know it's Amy our assistant. She answers all our phone calls first unless it's someone we know.

"It's me." I whisper. I keep my eyes open to see if I'm being watched.

"Tino what's going on?"

"I need you to come here now. I'm on xxxxxx ." I said quickly and quietly.

"I'm on my way." He then hangs up.

I didn't even have to wait before Im picked up in a dusty town car.

"Man you gotta stop getting yourself in these situations."

Nikolas was a fellow mobster and was a little less rich than me. He's reckless and weird.

I roll my eyes. "This is the first time dickhead." He shrugs and takes a puff of the cigar in his hand.

He drives me to the airport. He gave me my passport. He always has my passport.

He stops the car and gets out a notepad.

'Get a flight to Boston. We're being watched. Your swap out is in there. Forget about the girls for now. Victoria is waiting. Wait a month while I take care of things here. Then head back to New York.' He wrote and I left the car. I head in the airport and get a flight for Boston.

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