Chapter Three: Date 💵

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Today is my date with Valentino and I wore my fanciest dress that I have.

It was a gift from my aunt Carol that thought I dressed like a bum.

This place cost like a thousand dollars for a few people to eat. Of course my broke ass has never been but I've heard from... Google.

I drove to Del Frisco because we decided that since we live on totally different ends of New York then we'd just drive our separate cars. I'm over here driving a Toyota Camry and he probably driving a damn Audi or Maserati.

I parked my hooptie a few blocks away and walked to the restaurant. I pulled out my phone to text Valentino but a lady came rushing up to me.

"Imani with mister Valentino?" I smiled. "Yes I am. Is he here?" She guided me over to the waiting area. "He will be here shortly." As soon as she said that Valentino walked in looking like a god himself.

That's my mans

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That's my mans.

I immediately stood and he scanned the little area until he saw me.

I walked up to him and he gave me a hug.

He smells like a billion dollars.

"Hello Valentino." I spoke. "Hey Imani." He laughed.

A waitress took us to a private table and seated us.

"You look beautiful." He gave me heart eyes. I blushed.

"Thank you you too." We both laughed.

"So how have you been." I tried to make conversation.

"You mean since yesterday when we face chatted for hours?" He asked with a teasing smirk.

"Face chatted? No it's called FaceTime." I smiled.

"That's eh, stupid." I took a sip of his water.

"Nope it's genius. You can be on there with your homie and yo bae." I joked.


My mouth dropped. "You don't know what that means?" He shook his head. "It means like friend or pal." He nodded his mouth going in a 'o' shape.

We stared at each other after we stopped laughing and our moment was interrupted by Becky.

"Hello, I'm your waitress Becky would you like to start with drinks?" I wanted to crush her head.

"I'll just have a sprite please." I got the drink I order at every single restaurant.

Valentino gave me a crazy look. "Nevermind that can we have your finest champagne." He waved his hand.

She nodded and walked off.

"You do drink right."

"A little too late to ask don't you think?" I smirked. "But yes I do drink. You got lucky." He let out a breath of relief and picked up his menu.

I looked for the cheapest thing on the menu.

A filet mignon benedict.

"Do you know what you want?" I asked V.

"Yes I want the 6 ounce A La Carte." My eyes bugged lowkey that's 40 bucks per ounce.

"I'm getting the filet mignon benedict." He sighed. "Why are you getting the cheapest thing on the menu I know you don't like steak."

Fuck busted...

"Get what you really want. I know you want the lobster and Tasso ham omelet." He sat back. He's right.

"Ok I'll get that." I placed down my menu and Becky came back with the drinks.

After our orders I started to attack my food when I saw V slowly slicing his steak watching me with an amused look. I blushed and stuck my tongue out at him.

He stuck his tongue out at me right back.

I looked him up and down and gave him the black mamma look.

He slowly put his hands up in surrender.

"That's what I thought." We both laughed and went back to eating.

"How did you know I wanted this?"

"You said 'lobster makes me feel like a bad bitch'." He made quotation marks with his fingers.


Just when this was a five star date out came the papers.

"What are these?" I pulled them closer to me.

"It's a contract." "Umm, for what."

"To be my sugar baby." I don't know why but my feelings are really hurt.

"Oh yeah right okay um."

I slowly read the contract. This is a lot of stuff.

□ I agree to having sexual relations
x _________

That was the thing that stuck out to me the most. Of course I was going to agree to this I mean all the window shopping for Gucci on Saks. That needs to become a reality.

But sexual stuff. 'Imani stop over thinking this. It's just sex with this beautiful man. He probably won't even want sex.'

I sighed and checked the box and sighed the contract.

"I have one more thing."

His head shot up as I said that. He nodded.

"Remember my friend Jazmin um I kinda can't just leave her." I scratched the back of my neck.

"No worries I'll buy you two an apartment. What do you want. Any dream apartments?" He simply looked me in the eye.

"Ones that I will not let you get me, yes." I chuckled and he rolled his eyes playfully. "Just tell me."

He grabbed my hands. "Okay it's 15 Central Park West."

"Ok let me search it."

While he searched the apartment I want I noticed that we've kind of been here for a while.

"It's only 49 million. I'll get a realtor and the apartment is yours." My jaw dropped.

"Just like that?"

"Just like that." He smiled at me.

Holy fucking shit. Best decision of my life.

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