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There was banging on my room door, and distant screaming. I glanced at the clock.

"It's 3:56 am mom!" I said rolling over irritated.

It was 7:30 am when I woke up. Automatically noticing I would be late for school, I dragged my body out of bed, rushed down the hall and peeked in the room belonging to my brothers, to see if they were up. There was nothing but filth. I went down the hall to the master bedroom belonging to my mom and dad. The room was empty, clothes all over the bed and floor and a eerie smell lingering through the air.

Worried, I ran back to my room, threw my clothes on, and practically tumbled downstairs. There was a trail of blood leading from the bottom of the stairs to the door. They appeared to be footprints leading different directions as if a struggle occurred. Nervously, I slowly made my way over to the front door opening it. I found myself beginning to cough and gag.

I slammed the door shut and tried to figure out what the gut wrenching smell was. I tied my sweater around my mouth and nose, opening the the door once more, the smell still managed traveled right through my sweater but at this point I didn't care, I had to figure out where everybody went.

I gazed around scanning the garbage scattered all over the ground. I started walking. I was shaking, I honestly didn't know where I was going. Suddenly I tripped over something and was now laying on top of someone.

"Oh my God i'm so sorry..." I trailed off.

I paused. This lady, her skin was pale and her pupils were a gray and blueish color. The veins in her skin were popping out and she couldn't get words out.

But there was one thing that didn't realize till I got to my feet.

She had no lower body.

I knew what was seeing but my mind couldn't comprehend it.

A zombie...

I dropped to my knees and gagged once again. I sat there for a few seconds just analysing her. My stomach began churning, I looked away. A lump formed in my throat and I felt myself about to either cry or faint.

"Watch out!" A male voice yelled from behind me.

I turned around and saw about 5-6 zombies coming toward me. The boy came running and shot 3 in the head, kicked one to the ground and punched the jaw of the other straight off its face. He looked at me like I was crazy.

"Those shits would have ripped you apart!" He yelled, staring at me intensely.

I stared back at him not knowing what to say. He just looked back at me.

"You good?" He said helping me up.

"Y-Yeah, thank you." I stood backing up a little.

I looked at him again before turning back towards my house but ended up up facing him again.

"Whats going on?" I ask.

"You don't know?"

"No I'm lost, and my family is no where to be found.

Where have you been this whole time? It's been all over the news last night, and it probably still is" he said.

"I don't know I was sleeping and all I remember is banging on my door and screaming, which I thought was my mom telling me to get up for school. but I was out of it, I didn't get much sleep."

"As crazy as it sounds, it's a zombie apocalypse...thousands most likely millions of people have died and turned into one of the dead. People tried to leave but you know New York, the traffic is ridiculous, people were stuck and shit and got eaten up by the dead.

"Did they explain how it happened?" I said. I was shaking, I felt burning in my chest close to my heart. "i'm so confused and scared, and-and I-

"Wait" he said interrupting me.

We listened and all we heard was hissing and deep moans not too far from where we were standing. Then the sound became clear and so did the smell. I looked back at him fearfully.

"Fuck, come on run!" He yelled.

he bolted away, something was telling me to turn around but I knew I would regret it, so was obedient and followed but I was scared, I didn't know how far or close they were away from me so I finally turned around. It looked like Times Square times fifty. I tried to move but my body was in shock my brain said run but my body refused, I just stood there staring not knowing what to do. My life was over, I was about to get eaten alive.

Then everything went black.

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