Delicious Torture

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Nicola's P.O.V


Posted on Sun, Jun, 20, 2010

xoxoxo - d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s - - t-o-r-t-u-r-e - - xoxoxo

I am stuck in a deserted school with the popular hot guy, and he won't stop watching me.

We gave up looking for a way out an hour ago. All the doors were locked.

I kept pacing around or at least I did for about five seconds before Mr Popular pulled me down onto his lap, and turned me to straddle him.

"Soooo........." he started.

"WHAT?!" I yelled clearly getting irritated.

"I wanna make out" he said bluntly.

"Yeaaahhh?" I said confused.

"With you." he said smirking.

"Ummmmmm.......NO!" I yelled trying to jump away, but he wouldn't let go. It's not that I'm a virgin, trust me I'm not. Its that I don't want to spread my legs to every jackass that wants me to.

"You know you want to" he said seductively, his breath blowing my ear making me shiver slightly.

Hmm, this is going to be fun.

I stop struggling and look at him. He was staring at my chest. Trying to control my anger I grab his hair and pull his head up. Before he could say or do anything I had him moaning, hmm I already found his weak spot.

Mental note: his weak spot is under his right ear.

I kept kissing his weak spot until he pushed me roughly, making me lay back with him on top of me.

Oh no, he is using my own trick against me.

I know what to do.

I wrapped my legs around his waist tightly making him moan in pleasure.

He looked down at me, a dazed look in his eyes.

I dragged his down so that his lips could met mine, and just as our lips were about to meet I then remembered who he was.

I unwrapped my legs from his waist and pushed him off me.

xoxoxo - d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s - - t-o-r-t-u-r-e - - xoxoxo

this was meant to be chapter two but wattpad said chap one was too short so...

Leith's P.O.V


Posted on Sun, Jun, 20, 2010

xoxoxo - d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s - - t-o-r-t-u-r-e - - xoxoxo

HOLY FUCK! That was so hot! Why did she have to fucken push me off? At least its long weekend cause of the Queen's birthday and because friday is pupil free day(its thursday in the story)so then that means I get four days alone with her. Hmm, should be enough time to "seduce" her. I smirked as I looked where she was only to find she was gone. Greeeeaaaatt! note the sarcasm. Now I have to look around the whole mother fucken school for her!

As soon as I got up I ran to the door, I stopped and began to look left then right, deciding which way I should go to look for her.

I pointed my finger to each side and closed my eyes and while pointing to each side I sang "Eenie Meenie Minee Mo (sorry can't spell :( ) catch a-" Wait! No way in hell I am singing that! I JUST REMEMBERED that was that Justin Bieber song.

* Shudder *

Yuck! What a disgusting song, with a gaybo (no offense to gay people) as the singer. (also no offense to Bieber fans, I love him too but come on no straight guy likes Justin Bieber)

Before I fight with myself anymore than I already have-psychotic I know, I turn to my left and start to search for my new "play-toy".

* 1 hour later *

Damn I can't believe I keep forgetting how big this school really is. I still haven't fucken found her! I passed the music rooms unknowingly as I fought with my own subconscious.

As soon as I stopped "talking" to myself I noticed that I could hear her singing and I knew it was her because we were the only ones in the school so obviously it was her.

I tip toed to were I could hear her voice coming from, when I got close enough I opened the door quietly and sneaked in quietly hiding myself behind the bench full of instruments. Dammmmmnnnnnn, I could be in the CIA or something, I am goooood. I smirked as I watched her play the piano and sing.

It was Yiruma with im guessing her own lyrics? I wasn't sure.

I moved my hands (they were holding the top edge of the bench) and accidentally knocked over a recorder onto the school drum set. Fuck I can't believe my mother fucking luck! Damn it!

She shot up from the chair and tripped over it making her fall backwards flat on her ass, I couldn't help but laugh at her. She looked hilarious. she turned her head and looked at me before getting up and walking towards me. I stood, I couldn't move. She came up to me, slapped me and then as if that wasn't enough she picked up te recorder I dropped and started whacking me with it.


She stopped so I looked at her and-OH SHIT THAT IS ONE SCARY CHICK! The face she was making was full out scary, hot but scary.

She stood for a minute before dropping the recorder and walking away, but this time I remembered to follow her.

We walked...well she walked I followed her to the cafeteria, huh, well I am hungry.

"So watcha gonna make us babe?" I asked.

"US? US?" She said clearly pissed off.

"No shit, is there anyone else here?" I asked sarcastically.

She rolled her eyes and continued making whatever she was making.

* 10 minutes later *

She made us both sandwiches and OH God were they delicious.

"We're going to have to find some flashlights" I told her.

"Yeah" she said uninterested.

Needless to say we didn't talk after that.

xoxoxo - d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s - - t-o-r-t-u-r-e - - xoxoxo

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