Chapter 1

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Chapter 1.

Terra's POV

I feel heartbroken to say that to him. I just can't handle it anymore! Ugh!

I run to my school dorm and hop on my bed. Amber and Dione came in an hour later. (A/N: I'm making up a name for Terra's 'not remembering person')

"Gosh that Brat Boy was so annoying, don't you think Ashley? And why was that stalker calling you Terra?" Amber asked in that accent.

"I don't even know him! Why would a random green guy walk up and claim I'm his friend?! I already told him I just remember high school. But he left now and that's the good part." I reply. I hate to lie and say those things but I can't ever go back.

"You hungry? We can go get some pizza? Well if you want?" Dione asks.

"You guys go ahead. I don't want to run into 'Him' again." I tell her.

They both shrug and walk out of the room. I plop my face into my pillow. I feel tear run down my face as I begin to cry.

'Beastboy. I'm sorry. I want to go back, I do. But I can't. Everyone will hate me! That's why I'm putting up this game. I have to forget.' I think to myself.

I sigh and pull out my journal and begin to write.

Dear Journal,

Today I ran into Beastboy. And for my sake I had to lie to him. I told him I'm not Terra and not the girl he's looking for. He tried to help me remember. He got my pizza with anchovies. The pizza I like. Of course I had to lie and say I'm allergic to them. I tried to leave and made a excuse to go home and do homework. He told me he would let me use the Titans computer. And I couldn't resist. I really wanted to see the tower again.

He brought me to the tower. I can't believe it, it's the same. The kitchens a mess and the play station and couch have trash all over it. He brought me to my room.

"Stars. Cause you love to sleep outside."

Wow he was the only one out of the titans to actually get to know me. Of course to convince him I told him,

"Not me. I hate camping out. Too many bugs."

Out of the corner of my eye I see the heart shaped box Beastboy made for me. I walk up to it and pick it up.

"I made that for you." Beastboy says.

"It's cute but I really have to go." I place it down and try to leave.

Me and him walk outside.

"Your friends out there somewhere, I hope you find her." I tell him regretting everything I have done.

"I already have." Beastboy picks up a rock and skips it. I remember how I taught him how to do it.

I turn to leave.

"Come on there must be some way to make you remember!" He yells in aggravation but then gasped. "You can control the Earth!!!" He yells happily and throws a huge clump of mud at me.

I would have stopped it but I had to convince him I wasn't Terra. So I pretended to be mad and yelled,

"Why did you do that?!" Then I started to run away.

"Wait Terra!" He calls but I ignore him. I run back to my dorm.

Then the next day he comes back today. I feel so guilty about it!

"Are you gonna keep running away from me?" He asks.

I feel the guilt getting to me each time he or a memory of him enters my mind.

"I'm not running from anyone. Go Home!" I tell him hoping he didn't hear the sad in my voice as I tried not to be mad.

Suddenly I see the girls locker room. an idea popped in my head.

"You can't keep following me." I tell him.

"Why not?"

"Cause it's the girls locker room!" I say and walk through the door.

On the other side I breathe in and out a few times. I run out and run into my next class.

After an hour of boring English class the bell rung. I walked outside and lo and behold Beastboy was sitting right there.

I go to the library for my study hall period so I can study for my geometry test.

After 15 minutes I hear the familiar ring of the titans communicator and Beastboy mumbling something.

"Your gonna get me in trouble! Go outside!" I whisper yell to him.

"Not unless you come with me." He says.

I hear the librarian about to get up. So I walk outside with him.

"Ok you got two minutes." I tell him.

"Maybe you don't remember but I DO! Your my friend, your a teen titan." He comes near me to hug me but I step back.

How can he say such things! They probably all had me for betraying them!

"Your wrong." I tell him.

You don't belong here Terra."

"Stop calling me that!" I yell at him and look down.

"It's who you are."

"What do you want from me?!"

"Why can't things go back to the way they were? You were so happy then!" Memories filled my head with all the good times I had with him.

"Things were never the way you remember now go home."

Beastboy pulls his communicator out. "Here take this. In case you need me, you can call me anytime."

"I don't need it."


"Times up."


"Things change Beastboy. The girl you want me to be is just a memory." Finally I tell I my own way I remember. But the pain is to hard into handle so I hold back tears.

Me and him stare at each other until his communicator rings.

Over the communicator I hear Robin,

"Come in Beastboy. We need you help!" Then the chat was disconnected.

Come with me." Beastboy says.

I shake my head. "You go. You're the teen titan. That's who you are. That's not me. I'm not a hero." I back away slowly. "I'm just a girl with a geometry test next period, and I haven't studied."

Those were the last words I said to him.

Good bye for today diary,

-Terra (Ashley)


And this is the start of my new BBTerra fanfic! Please vote, comment, ect. I will probably update this maybe every week or two depending on my schedule.

I hope you enjoy!

-Julia the girl who loves BBTerra!

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