Chapter 19

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~{hello hello hello ok so this chapter is going to have some homosexuality in it so if you are homophobic then well 1. Don't read this chapter and 2. Fuck you and your stupid face like its 2017 people wake up!!! Ok well lets get back to the chapter}~
John's pov
Its been an hour since y/n left and the guys are getting really annoying... Maybe its because I told them that me and y/n are going on a date. I don't know.  "Soooooooo John where are you and y/n gonna go for your date huh" Herc said wiggling his eyebrows. "Well since you asked im going to take her to f/r (favorite restaurant) and then im going to take her to go star gazeing" I said crossing my arms. "Oooooooooooo" they all said at once. I just rolled my eyes and chuckled. 'I wonder what y/n is doing
End of pov

Your pov
Me and James have been hugging Thomas for about 10 minutes now. We finally broke away from the hug and I opened my mouth to say something but i then got interrupted by the one and only Maria Reynolds. "*gasp* THOMAS OH MY GOD HIIIIIIII" Maria screamed clinging on Thomas's arm. I scoffed and looked over at James he looked back at me and we both gave each other the -omgthisbitch- face. Maria is known at our school for being the biggest slut and EVERYBODY knows. I was about to say something to Maria when someone honked their car at me. I turned around to see the John was there waiting for me. I smiled and ran over to him. "Hey John" i said kissing his cheek. He blushed and said hi back. "Hey are you ready to go" he asked. I looked back and saw that James and Thomas where walking over to me and John and sadly that Maria bitch was coming over too. "Ugh" I said and John chuckled a little. "So Thomas, James im going to go with John so bye I going to miss you Thomas" I said hugging James and then Thomas. "Thomas what does she mean miss you" Maria said looking up at Thomas.
"Im leaving for France for a few months" Thomas said prying Maria off of him. Maria gasped and put her hands to her mouth. "MAIRAAAAAAAAA" a girl screamed. "WHAT DO YOU WANT" Maria yelled back. "WE HAVE TO GO COME ON" the girl yelled to Maria. "Ugh ok well bye Thomas~" Maria said walking away. "Finally that bitch left" I said. "Okay well y/n are you ready to go now" John said opening the car door. "Yea lets go" I said walking into the car.
Time skip to the restaurant
Me and John where walking into f/r when I saw Laf and Herc running up to us. "Y/N JOHN WAIT" Herc yelled. Me and John stopped and waited for them. They got up to us are where starting to breathe really heavy. "Ummmm what do you guys want" John asked. " was ok.... For us to.......join you" Laf said still breathing heavily. "Ummmmm what do you mean by join us" I asked. "Well y/n, me and Frenchie over here are dating now" Herc said "and we where wondering if we could join your date to make it a double date" Laf said grabbing Herc's hand. "Awwww guys of course you can I'm so happy for the both of you" I said hugging both of them. I parted from the hug and walked back over to John and kissed his cheek. The four of us then walked into f/r. "Table for four please" I asked the lady at the counter. She smiled and asked us to follow her. She sat us by the window which I thought was great because I could watch the sunset. We all ordered our drinks and started talking everything was going great.... Or so we thought.

Alex's pov
I was at the hamilhouse finishing up some school work when I heard a knock at the door. It was really late now so I was confused as to why someone was knocking at the door but I got up and walked over anyway. ~{I think you guys know what gonna happen next ;3}~ I opened the door to see the one and only Maria Reynolds. I know that she has a boyfriend and that she has slept with just about all the guys at the school so I knew what she was up to and it was no good. "Hello Maria what do you want" I asked pinching the brim of my nose. " I'm so sorry to bother at home..... But I don't know where to go and I came here all alone" she said "Maria it's like 11:00 at night what the fuck are you doing at my house" I asked getting rather pissed. "My boyfriends done me wrong being mean,cheating me, mistreated me......suddenly he's up and gone I don't have the means to go on" she said pushing some hair out of her face to show that she had a bruise on her cheek. "Here would you like me to walk you back to your dorm" I asked sighing. She then nodded. I grabbed the keys and my phone  and I walked out locking the door. I made sure to keep my distance from Maria because I knew that she was trying to get me to have sex with her she knew I was in a relationship with Eliza so I kind of figured out that she was probably going to blackmail me or something if I did do it. I was planning on going to see Eliza after dropping her off because their dorms are pretty close. I got to the school and walked her to the hallway. "This ones mine sir" she said pointing to her dorm. "Well them goodnight" I said turning around but she grabbed my hand. I looked over to see her and her face turned a light pink. I started to laugh a little. She let go and looked confused. "What are you upset that I'm not going to cheat on my loving girlfriend with you well you should be because I'm not going to cheat on her so good bye and good night" I said walking over to Eliza's dorm. I saw her door and I knocked on it she opened the door and as soon as I saw her I took her in my arms and I kissed her. She was surprised at first but then melted into the kiss. I pulled away from the kiss so we could get some air. "What was that all about" Eliza asked. "I just love you so much" I said hugging her and she hugged back.

~{ don't we all wish that that's what really happened with Alex and Maria..... Ok well sorry for the late update but I have been busy lately with my vacation and then school is coming soon for me so I'm getting ready for that and well I just have a bunch of shit to do all the time ok well good night/afternoon/morning}~

Forever yours    John Laurens X Reader college AU Where stories live. Discover now