Chapter 19 (Mini A/n)

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It was well into the night. The two girls were summoned. They didn't know exactly why they were called. When they saw Oum they bowed. Oum only glared.

"Do you two have any idea what you have done?" He says with a growl. The girls flinch back. "She is the daughter of the fire clan head. She came here to maintain the peace treaty. Your stupidity might of costed that. What if another war breaks out?"

"If a war broke out because of a stupid reason like that it just goes to show-"

"ENOUGH!" He shouts. The girls step back. "Try anything like this again, be prepared for much more severe consequences. Get out." The girls nod and run off. Oum let out a sigh and decided to go to bed. He decided to check on you. As he was nearing your door, he heard a scream. Your scream specifically. He immediately opened the door and saw a man on the floor clutching his face and you holding a blanket close to your chest.


(Mini a/n. This might be disturbing to some. I do not condone such actions. I apologize in advance if I made anyone uncomfortable.)

You were sleeping rather restlessly. While you were trying to sleep, you heard the door open and someone stepped in. You stayed still. The person came closer until they were near your bed. You pretended to be asleep. That was until they straddled you. You were going to scream but they covered your mouth.

"Make a sound and I do much worse." The man whispered. You couldn't say anything. You were terrified. When he was moving closer to your neck, you came back to your senses and tried to push him away. As you tried to escape, he grabbed your shirt. On instinct you screamed and shot him with fire. The crumpled to ground. Just a second later, Oum came bursting through the door. You didn't know how loud you were but soon Alia and Teron are present. When they notice the man and the state you are in, they figured out what happened. Oum summons another guard to have the man who attempted to harm taken to holding cell.

When he is gone, you begin crying hysterically. Alia runs to you and tries to give you a comforting hug. She turns to Oum. "Can F/n stay with me tonight?" Oum just nods. Alia slowly helps you out of the bed and takes you to her room. Teron follows. Oum finally goes out and goes to meet his parents.

When he explains what happens, he can see the look of shock on their faces. "That is impossible. Why would anyone do such a thing?" His mother said. She doesn't particularly likes you, but she understands that such things should never be done to anyone.

"Dad. Please see he is punished for the crime he committed." Oum turn to his father.

"I want to Oum, but she also burned him. If I punish him, she too will have to pay the consequences." He calmly states.

"Dad. If it was Alia. If it was Alia and she shot him with air, what would you have done?"


"Dad please. F/n had done nothing wrong during the time here. You need to be fair about this. Please."

"...I will punish him when she is out of the territory." Oum nods and runs off to Alia's room. When he arrives, he sees Teron blocking the door. He tries to go pat him but Teron stops him.

"She is sleeping." he says. Oum look at the door. Teron stares at Oum before saying, "Alia and I figured out you like her." Oum turns to Teron.

"So what if I do?"

"We all know for a fact you can't be with her. What happened moments ago attests to that."


"Oum. If you try and pursue her, you would be causing more damage," Teron states, walking away. Oum turns to the door. He opens it a tiny bit. He sees Alia looking at you with sad eyes and sees your sleeping form. Never has he wanted anything more than the ability to be by your side comforting you.

A/n So I wrote something I found rather disturbing. I don't approve of anyone doing such things lest it is mutual consent. I once again apologize if I have offended or wrote something that was difficult for you to read.

Edited by Audballlllll

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