Chapter 35

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You were spending time with Oum's mother. She had become more kind to you. Whether or not it was from fear of what Oum would do, you did not know. As you were reading a book on the history of the water clan, she speaks up.

"Do you know how things became like this?" She asks. You look at her and she continues. "It is obvious when you came here, you intended on only trying to maintain peace. Why is my son acting like this?" You could tell she was worried about Oum. She was worried about her son whose changed and now has something that controls people.

"I don't know. When I first met him, he hated me greatly. Then we slowly became friends. After that..." You trail off and adverted your eyes elsewhere. When did he fall for you? You take a deep breath a speak once more. "After that, I don't know how he felt for me until he got us engaged," you sigh and she nods. The two of you remain silent until she speaks up once more.

"Oum tends to act on emotions, Fenda and I were always worried about that. In reality, Kai seemed more suited for it, but since Oum was the first born, we spent years preparing him for the role of clan head. It was only a few years ago, that we began to have doubts. We then started giving Kai more lessons and preparing him just in case Oum did something that will damage the water clan."

"I see."

"What about your family?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"You were going to be the clan head right. How did they prepare you?" You begin thinking back to years you spent preparing for your role.

"My father always emphasized that our people's protection is of utmost importance. Since we were isolated from everyone for years, my way of doing things that would benefit the clan revolved around staying isolated. I never thought I would set foot outside and because I did-" You cut yourself off, you were crying. She hugs you and you cry harder. You missed the life you had.

As you were crying Oum watches. "With time F/n," he whispers, "I will make it so you never have to shed a tear again. I promise."

As for Alia and Teron, they were researching the blood stones. Since there was so little information on them, it took forever to find any useful information. But, they finally did.

"I found it!" Alia shouts. Teron runs over to her and asks.

"What did you find?"

"It is stated right here that a user of a person with a blood stone must be in close proximity of the person they wish to use it on. If we can get F/n out, she is free."

"But that leaves everyone else. He can still use the stone on them." Alia lets out a groan.

"And we were so close too. We need to get the stone away from him."

"If we go there, can't you manipulate the air around him?"

"I need to be close by. Besides, if I do want to, I make it so he can't breathe, he will have some time to realize what is happening and can stop me."

"Then that just leaves destroying it." They ponder over it.

"The journal you showed Oum with the entry about the bloodstones. Did they ever speak of how to destroy it."

You know it might! God, why didn't I think of this before?" He rummages around and finds the journal. He flips through the pages and finds the passage on the bloodstones. "Those treacherous stones burned as they should. Burned to ashes. No stone could break it nor air slice through it and yet they burned." They turn to look at each other,

"Fire," they say in unison. If you were to burn the stone, you would be able to succeed in leaving without having your body get manipulated.

"We need to tell F/n about this." Alia states.

"He is going to find it odd that we are visiting though."

"We will just say Kai told us about them getting married and that we want to congratulate them. Oum doesn't know about the letter we received from the fire clan."

"When do we go?"

Edited by Audballlllll

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