Look at Me (Luffy x Reader)

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"Stop it!" You cried out, desperately clawing at the drunken man. Two other drunks were eyeing you with lustful looks in their eyes, urging their buddy to hurry up. This can't happen anymore, I can't take it! Your mind shouted. "Someone help me, please!"

"Shut it, little girl," the drunk growled, roughly licking and sucking at your neck. You groaned from the pain. Tears were threatening to fall from you eyes. A sharp gasp escaped from your lips as the stranger grasped your rump.

"Please, stop!" You cried, hot tears now flowing from your eyes. He licked the tears from your cheeks, a sadistic grin forming on his ugly face. He tore your shirt off, leaving it in an unwearable condition. He then proceeded to rip off your bra, leaving your upper half naked. Your eyes shut tight, waiting for whatever may come next.

Just as his hands were about to touch you in unmentionable places, he jerked back with a yelp. Eyes still glued shut, your back slid down the cold wall behind you. You attempted to cover your body with your arms, though they were shaking so badly it didn't do much good.

Part of you could register a fight going on before you, but you couldn't bring yourself to look up. Even if you could, tears were still flowing down your face.

A pair of arms wrapped around you. "Get away from me!" You yelled, punching and clawing at the person. They didn't fight back, the stranger just held onto you, refusing to let go. "I don't want to be hurt anymore!"

"(Y/n)," a masculine voice said, so softly you faltered your defensive walls. It sounded so familiar, but you've heard that voice falsely so many times you didn't know if it was really him. You opened you eyes, blinking away tears. You were at such close contact with the man, you couldn't be totally sure it was him.

You felt something wrap around your shoulders. It was a red shirt, with flared ends on the hem of the shirt and it's sleeves. Your eyes traveled to the strangers scarred chest, but that is where they stayed.

"Look at me," the voice ordered. You flinched at the firmness in his voice. After a moment's hesitation, you started to look up, inch by inch. Your gaze faltered at the deep frown etched into his face. His hand gripped your forearm in a gentle manner, his thumb moving in a circular motion. "Keep going."

You listened to him. Finally looking at the rest of his face, you saw a scar under his left eye and a familiar straw hat. "Luffy," you breathed, tears forming once again, but of joy, "you finally came."

Look at Me: Luffy x Reader Drabbles and One ShotDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora