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Thank you to my readers who helped me get through this. The last couple of months have been difficult but your support has really helped me push through it all. I hope you enjoy :)


There are times when I wish more than anything that I was an only child. This is one of those times.

"Your face is so fluffy!"

I shake my head as Maia pats a flower bush, a stupid grin spread across her face. I feel nothing but embarrassment at the moment.

Kaine is sitting on the ground, banging his head on the tree behind him. He looks just as ashamed of Maia as I do.

"Someone should take a video of this," Taylor snickers.

I glare at her but she just shrugs. "What time is it?" I ask.

She checks her phone. "1:31."

I sigh tiredly. "She should be shifting soon."

"I hope her wolf makes her less stupid," Taylor mutters when Maia starts whispering to the bush.

"I'm just surprised the pills and alcohol didn't kill her," Kaine says. He raises his eyebrow as Maia puts her ear to the plant and giggles. "Though I'm kinda starting to wish they had."

Her hand suddenly flies to her mouth and Taylor quickly gathers up Maia's hair just as she starts to throw up. I turn away, shaking my head at my sister's stupidity.

I look over at Kaine who just watches her, his eyes and face expressionless. Since yesterday he has changed so much. His eyes are darker, he is even taller, his muscles are more defined, and he literally radiates domineering power.

Azazel cowers in submission whenever I am near him. My father won't go near him, and my mother—the Queen of werewolves and dragons—is cautious around him.

A sudden scream pulls me out of my thoughts.

My gaze snaps toward Maia, now lying on the ground. Kaine and I leap to our feet as she lets out another cry of pain. Kaine quickly covers her mouth, stifling her screams.

I search the woods around us for any sign of other wolves. I wince at the harsh sound of cracking bones and popping joints. I keep my eyes on the forest, not wanting to see my little sister in pain. I can hear Taylor trying to soothe her but it doesn't seem to help much.

"Taylor can you shift?" Kaine asks.


"It'll help her."

"But this dress was expensive!" She hisses.

"Then take it off."

"Oh you'd like that wouldn't you?" She sneers and I whip around.

"Just take the fucking dress off and shift Taylor!" I growl.

She purses her lips but moves behind a tree. A few seconds later a white wolf trots up to Kaine and noses Maia's contorting body.

I hear a ripping sound and her dress is in shreds on the grass. Dark gray fur covers her body and I know it won't take much longer now.

Kaine suddenly removes his hand from her mouth with a harsh curse. Blood drips from his palm; Maia's sharp canines gleam in the moonlight.

Less than a minutes later, there is a dark gray wolf laying on her side, her chest rising and falling rapidly. I'm actually a little surprised, my sister's wolf is quite small for an Alpha's daughter.

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