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Lolsa you guys made this so hard, you literally voted on almost every single character in the book. Jaxon won by a few votes though so I'm doing his POV :) I hope you enjoy!

btw this isn't edited either (in case you didn't notice already, I don't like editing) so point out any mistakes please :) thx!!!!


"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, let's go."

"No you're not you're bleeding again. Ash stop. We're taking a break."

"No I'm fine let's keep―fuck!"

I swear under my breath. "We're taking a break," I growl.

He nods, clutching at his side. "Yeah okay," he mutters, his face twisted in pain.

I help him over to a tree where he collapses against the trunk. "This trip is going to take forever, your mother is probably worried sick―"

"Ash I'm not going to leave you here," I growl.

He snorts. "Your mother made me promise to travel with you and make sure you were safe so if you showed up by yourself she'd have my head for sure. No, I was going to say we should send a hawk to let her know what happened."

My eyebrows furrow. "A hawk? They still use those?"

"The witches do sometimes but not really anymore. I have one because your mother gave it to me. It was hers but she wanted to make sure nothing happened to me while I was travelling," he says and I grin.

Well mom already likes him, I think.

It sounds like your mother planned this. She made him promise to stay with you and keep you safe while travelling. I doubt she really believes that you cannot handle the trip to the Circle by yourself, Azazel says.

Well in that case, I really need to thank my mom when we get there.

"How do we send one?" I ask.

"I have no idea."

"Well that's really helpful, got any other ideas?"

"No, not really. Ah fuck this hurts," he hisses, grabbing his side again.

"Here, let me see," I sigh.

He tries to lift his shirt then lets out a yelp of pain.

I clench my jaw. "Where's your knife? I'll just cut it off," I say.

He jerks his head towards his bag and I fish out the sheathed dagger. I cut his blood-soaked shirt off and use my water bottle to rinse the blood off of his side.

"Shit, it looks a lot worse than yesterday."

"Well that's reassuring," he murmurs.

I shake my head a little. "You know you've become a lot more snarky and sarcastic since you got the shit beat out of you," I mutter.

He makes a face. "Yeah well getting the shit beat out of you tends to make you a little irritable. Not to mention it's easier to voice your thoughts when you're around someone that makes you feel safe," he mumbles.

I pause, looking at him through wide eyes. He stares off into the forest and has a distant look on his face.

I don't think he knows what he's saying, I tell my dragon, noting how pale he is.

He looks like he has lost a lot of blood. I am surprised he did not collapse earlier, she says.

I turn my attention back to Ash to see he is unconscious. He's still breathing but it's shallow and fast.

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