A Map of Memories

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sorry for such a late update, school just started :\ my updating will get more consistent as I settle into school, so don't run off kiddos. this is all just starting ;)

i've spent some time looking at the map on wattpad that tells me where y'all are reading from and it blows my mind that even though I have a small audience, it's so spread out. 

comment where you guys are from :) i'm a curious cat. bark. 


"Aurora Rose Vulcan," Leon pauses and narrows his eyes, "hugged somebody?" He leans forward in his chair, his blue eyes analyzing me.  

"Hugs aren't my favorite thing," I mumble while looking around the quaint cafe we are at, "but that was a damn good hug."

"Honey," he dramatically lets out a big breath, "with those tasty biceps of his, I would think so." Leon blanks out for a second and a silly smile begins to grow on his face, causing me to throw a napkin at him. 

"Leon, you're engaged," I scold him while he basically drools over Deimos' body. I can't help but relate to his reaction. 

"Sorry, Ror, I'll stop talking that way about your man," Leon playfully says and raises his eyebrow conspiratorially. "I saw you two dancing at the gala, the sexual tension was practically suffocating."

"You're delusional, L." I roll my eyes at my best friend and take a sip of my hot chocolate, rolling his words over in my head. 

We share a moment of silence as we both enjoy our drinks. Leon and I have a sort of a relationship that simply being in each other's presence is enough, even if no words are being passed. He doesn't push me to talk because he knows I don't like to, which is just one more thing I love about my incredibly gay best friend. 

"Well, on to my favorite topic," Leon sips his iced coffee obnoxiously, "me." I roll my eyes at him, once again, but motion for him to continue. "Jeremy and I are having our wedding in a week or so, as you know. And I'm inviting Deimos."

My mouth drops open and I almost spit hot chocolate at Leon's face. He was joking, there was no other explanation. When did Deimos and him become buddies?

"You're kidding." I stare at him in total disbelief. When he doesn't reply, I continue, "Since when were you two on 'come to my wedding' basis?" Leon grins at my shock, and I glare at him menacingly. 

"My wedding can't be boring, Aurora," Leon scolds me, "I need some tea, some tension, some spice. You and Deimos are just that." He ends his explanation with what was supposed to be a wink, but ends up just looking like his eye is having a seizure. I involuntarily let out a chuckle at his silliness. 

"Are you and Jeremy planning on having bridesmaids or groomsmen?" I ask, curious to know his answer.

Leon was the type of person who has always wanted a big wedding with lots of people, for me on the other hand, eloping in a courtroom has always sounded sufficient. Nevertheless, I was going to make sure Leon's wedding was everything he dreamt it to be. 

"Honestly," Leon rubbed his chin in thought, "I think I'll just have you as my best women, but no other bridesmaids or groomsmen. And Jeremy said he just wants his brother to be his best man, so that's the plan as of now. 

I reach across the table to quickly pinch his cheeks while my own are stretched in a big smile. "I'm going to be your best women! I love you, L." He swats my hand away but my smile is contagious as he soon is sporting his trademark tilted smile. 

"Wait. Did you say Jeremy's brother?" I continue on, my eyebrows furrowing. 

"What a surprise, you actually listen," I step on his foot under the table. Leon lets out a string of curses while glaring at me but continues, "Jeremy's biological brother, Atlas, not his stepbrother. You two know each other right?"

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