Auther Note 2/ chapter 11

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Hi again.. I now have 105 readers!! To me that's a really big deal.. I'm so happy that you guys like it :) I love you all so much XD

Again comment, vote, do whatever. I would love to hear from you all.



We had to stop a mile away because when they are done, the burn it down and it's really big. Ben goes to the trunk and gets alcohol. Austin isn't really surprised. We start to walk... Every step we get closer the more I get a weird feeling.. It's not a comfortable feeling ether. I try to stay calm and comfortable but it's kinda hard to.

"You didn't have to come" Austin shrugs.

"It's okay, it's something else to do besides just staying in my room the rest of the night" I shrug also.

"Again you will have a lot of fun" Ben says with a little buzz already and we are only half way.

"You have to get drunk now?" Austin says annoyed, guessing that he does it a lot.

"Shut up, I can do what I want" Ben says pushing Austin.

Austin doesn't do anything back because Ben could probably do much worse to him.

We get there and there's already people there, inside and outside, dancing, drinking, spray painting, having fun. Ben goes to his buddy's and keeps drinking. I stay with Austin because he's the only one I felt safe with. Austin goes to some of his friends that are there to. I just stand there not knowing what to do, Austin kinda forgets about me. So I start to walk around, bumping into people... Man I hate when people don't move... I see some spray paint can, I start to pick it up, when I do I see a hand touch mine.

I jump from surprise and it's a guy. The guy had glasses, short down hair, green eyes, he was tall. "hey, I never seem you before" he smiles.

"I'm new, I live in a house, out of the town" I shrug like I liked the house, witch I don't.

"Oh that's you, everyone in town seen your mom and dad walking around" he shrugs also.

"Cool" I shrug again like I care.

"Do you wanna spray paint?" He asks as he gives me a can.

I look over and I see Austin having a good time with his friends. I look back at the guy.

"Sure" I smile softly, I take the can, I start to just make lines all over the please on a wall.

"Is this your first time every coming to one of these places?" The guy asks me as we paint.

I nod "yeah" I say making random dawning.

"I'm Richard, but you can call me Rich" he shrugs making initials like R+B with a broken heart around it.

"Is that you and your girlfriends initials?"

"Yeah but we broke up" he looks down like it just happened.

"Oh I'm sorry" I say looking down also. "I shouldn't have asked"

"No it's okay don't worry about" he puts his can down "I'll be back" he walks outside, till I can't see him anymore. I put my can down also and look back at Austin, him still forgetting about me. So I walk outside, not seeing him. So I ask the people around me and someone pointed a way down the street. I start to walk and I see him sitting on an abandoned car.

I walk up to him "hey you okay?" I ask sitting next to him.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just miss her so much" he says starts to tear up a little and trying to hid it.

"I get it, it hurts, but you know, if you broke up, that means it wasn't meant to be" I put my hand on his shoulder to make him look at me and letting him know that I'm here for him.

He looks over, a tear falls off his face. "Yeah it hurts a lot... I just thought that we where meant to be. We dated so long, 2 years, I even had a ring for her.."

I smile softly to comfort him "well she missed out"

"On what? A loser like me?" The tears continually fall.

"Even though I don't know you that well, you don't seem like a loser, you just didn't meet the right one, you will one day" I take my jacket sleeve and I wipe off his tears.

All of a sudden he hugs me, tight, "thank you" he say in quivering voice.

I hug him back "your welcome" we let go. We talk for a few more minutes about his girlfriend Brittany. Then we go back.

Austin comes up to me "where have you been? I told you to stay with me. You could have gotten hurt."

"You where to busy with your friends so I walked around" I shrug like it wasn't a big deal.

"Come on, we are leaving" he takes my hand ruffle.

I pull away "no! Your not my dad, I can do what I want" I say stepping back next to Rich.

"Fine, walk for all i care" Austin says with a little buzz.

I start to tear up, I thought he was a nice guy, I guess he has two sides to him. I run up the stairs.

"Dude, that wasn't cool" Rich says for sticking up.

"Fuck off" Austin says not realizing that he hurt me.

Rich walks away and starts to look for me. I find a room that no one has touched yet. I just sit on the bed and start to cry. I clear my tears from my face. I look around... There was a picture on the table. I go over and it was a picture of a family. A dad, mom, looks like a older brother and... Oh no... It can't be....

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