offer you can't deny ♥

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Staring is rude but when the man who looks like he can break you in two is smiling at you from across the room, and his men dragged you up here, well you tend to stare. He didn't seem to mind me shamelessly staring at him I think he was enjoying it, he probably wanted me to keep staring. I finally stopped staring at him as I looked around his office which it shouldn't even be that, it looks like a small portion of a house. Shaking my head before looking around again and noticing pictures on the walls, some of paintings and some actual pictures of the man and other men and women. 

'"Are you quite done now?" Jumping at his voice as I looked back at him with slightly widen eyes when I looked at him he had a smirk and a smug look on his face, I already hate him. I looked at his suit that was the same black and white colors they usually make them in, his hair slick back and piercing hazel eyes. He held himself like he far superior and I had no doubt he was he has this air around him that could anyone stop, drop, and obey him. 

"Just looking at around" I muttered as my voice cracks. Oh sweet merciful lord up above please open up this floor and let me die. All I heard was a chuckle, the bastard, and than a squeak noise as he got up from his chair. He stopped right in front of a section in his office that had three chairs on one side, and on the other side was one and there was a coffee table in the middle of them. He raised his hand moving his hand as a 'come over here' gesture making me gulp as I walk on over where he was. 

I was about to sit down but he stopped me with a hand on my shoulder as he smiled at me cockily as he pushed the chair back for me.  As I mutter a quick 'thank you' before sitting down on the chair he only chuckled before he sat down on the chair beside me. What in good heavens was he doing sitting beside me? Wasn't he suppose to be on the only chair in front of me? Oh lord don't make me say something stupid!

He put his legs on the table in front of us as he leaned back into his chair grabbing something from his pants pocket. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes but he looked at me after he grabbed one of them out. 

"mind if I smoke?" he requested with a tilt of his head as some parts of his fell out of his quiff. I wanted to lean forward and fix it because my slight ocd but I didn't move at all, I only shook my head letting him smoke I mean it is his own office. He only smiled at me before lighting his cigarettes before pulling it away from his lips, blowing out air as he spoke.

"So why do you have that package?" He wondered looking at me with a raised eyebrow. Oh shit was something in there that was import? I panic as I shrugged my shoulders at him before speaking.

"My boss told me to take it to you, is all I know." I stated. Which was true he only told me to hand it to the lady at the front desk but you know apparently this guy had other plans. I wasn't a fool I knew who this was and he was the worlds richest man alive. Which let me tell you is terrifying to me because like if he wanted to he could bring those big guys back in, tell them to kill me and no more Luka. I shivered at my train of thought I really needed to stop making my self worry over nothing, I mean he could be nice. Oh who am I kidding this is real life it's not a drama on tv I'll most either die or walk away. "Is there a problem why my boss told me to send it to you?" I quietly said, he seemed to be in deep thought.

"Yes and no" was all he said and that didn't calm my already thumping heart. How tall is this building? You think sixty stories can kill you? I was startled at of my thoughts as he started laughing loudly. This guy is crazy I wailed in my head as I internally cry.  He stopped laughing suddenly as his smile fell off his face causing me to panic even more at his sudden mood change.

"You see this package was suppose to be delivered by your boss man himself, but I suppose he was to pussy to even see me today so he sent his little kitten." He growled out as he brought back his cigarette to his lips, keeping it there. I jumped in surprise at his anger as I grabbed the arm rest on the chair and squeezed it tightly. 

"I don't know why he just-" He interrupted me and if I wasn't so terrified I would totally show him a piece of my mind. 

"Stop trying kitten why not send a message to your boss" He suggests with a smile back on his face, the air coming back into the room as I can finally breathe again. This guy has to many mood changes I swear to the good lord. He stood up suddenly causing me to jump in surprise as he dropped his cigarette on the ground before stomping down on it with a crazed smile on his face.

"You have no choice you are to work for me now, you start tomorrow so hurry back to your shit work and tell your pussy of a boss that you quit, and don't even think of running away little bunny"

As I pale and nod my head numbly he walked back to his desk, turning his back to me. I think he is done talking to me now as I get up off my chair shakily, cautiously walking to the elevator. Once I pressed the button I waited in the the corner till the elevator came up and when I stepped him he turned back to me with a smirk on his face causing me to gulp and pale.

How did I get his attention anyway? We like barely talked at all! He is crazy. I held my head down as the men in the elevator pressed a few buttons. Once the doors closed I released the breathe I didn't know I was holding, I hate my life man.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2017 ⏰

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