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John awoke the next day, tears staining his cheeks. He got up and walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He was himself again, same old John in the mirror, no beast was present. John breathed a sigh of relief and carried on his morning routine like he normally would. The beast hadnt shown itself for a few hours now and John was starting to look happier, he thought that he had finally seen the last of the beast and that it had finally let him go. A few days passed and still, no sign of the beast. John had begun to restart his life again, getting a new job and moving to a new home as he didn't want to be reminded of anything that happened around there. As John was unpacking the boxes for his new house, he turned on the TV for some background noise. He hadn't realised but he had turned on the national news channel and that's when he heard it. The headline "Claw marks found at residential homes again!". John ran to the TV to see it with his own eyes and sure enough, the news reporter we talking about how 3 families were brutally murdered a few days ago and that claw marks were found all over the houses of the families. Even the animals were killed and decorated the houses like Christmas decorations. There was poop all over the floors and walls where the families had pooped themselves from sheer terror. "A few days ago, why are they only reporting this now? John said to himself. That's when it dawned on him that a few days ago, when he was still living in his old appartment, he originally fell asleep on the floor in the bathroom, but woke up in his bed. The sun had set and John rushed to the bathroom. He looked in the mirror. John took a step back as he saw the beast, clear as day, looking back at him in the mirror. John and the beast stared at each other but then John raised his hand. As he did, the beast mimicked his movements perfectly. "Your know what is going on now, don't you?" the beast growled in a demonic tone. John just stood there, frozen in fear as this was the first time he had ever heard the beast speak. John then took another step back and said "No, I don't, I really don't!" The beast, now moving on its own accord, first pointed at John, then to himself and growled, "I am you and you are me, we are one and the same now, ever since that fateful day at the office!" John didn't know what to do, he just stared at the monster, wide eyed in disbelief, but that's when the thought came to him, he had previously joked to himself that he was the beast but now it was all to real, he was in fact the beast, the very same beast who killed all those people, including his friends family. John vomited as he came to this realisation and sat on the toilet as he legs were too weak to hold him up. "What happens now then, what do you want me to do?" John asked the beast. The beast tilted it's head slightly , looking slightly confused. "What do you mean? Just do what you have always been doing, it's fun...". The beast chuckled as he said this but then added, "It needs to be done, we will eradicate all of those that have done wrong, I also need to eat, so it's my, no our way of staying alive, you want to stay alive, don't you?" John couldn't stand to hear what was going on anymore so he stood up and began to walk out of the bathroom. Forgetting that his legs were weak form hearing all of that, his legs gave way and John fell. CRACK.. John's head hit the hard stone floor and blood began to pool around his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2017 ⏰

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