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John awoke to sirens. He sat up, dazed and confused. He looked at his watch and realised that he had lost 3 hours of the day. A Policeman and Paramedic approached John and proceeded to take him out of his now totaled car. As John looked at his car, he saw the damage. "Your lucky to be alive!" the Paramedic told John. But this wasn't the main focus of the Paramedic, he noticed that John was completely unscathed, no scratches, no bruises, nothing. John had his details taken by the police and was then taken home. As John got into the car, he looked back at his car for the last time and it was there again, standing next to the car, but this time it had a wicked grin on its face, as though all of this was part of the beast's plan. After John got home, he went to bed. All night all he could think of was the huge grin the beast had, the wide, menacing grin. John awoke the next day, only to find he was not in his bed, but in the kitchen, on top of the table. As John climbed off the table, he could hear the familiar sound of sirens again. Wondering what was going on, John decided to look out the window and sure enough, there were police cars and an ambulance racing towards a house not too far from John's. The house was taped off as the police went in to inspect the area. A little while later, the Paramedics came out the house with 3 body bags, two of adult size and one of a small child. "Oh Jesus" John said, as he held his hand to his mouth, forcing back the vomit. John couldn't watch this any longer so he left to turn on the TV. He flicked through channels until something caught his eye. It was the news. It was in is neighbourhood. It was right outside his house. The news was reporting on the incident that was occurring outside his very door. As the news was reporting on the incident, he noticed something peculiar, there were puncture marks in the door. John sat there, puzzled, wondering where he had seen those holes before, but to no avail, he just couldn't remember. John turned off the TV and went to the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day. As John got out of the shower, he went to brush his teeth in the mirror. He dropped his toothbrush at the sight of the beast now standing behind John. John was frozen in fear, staring at the beast in the mirror. He gathered all the courage to turn around and when he did, there was nothing, just an empty room. John breathed a sigh of relief and went to pick up his toothbrush from the floor. As John raised from the floor, he felt a cold breeze, the same breeze that he felt the day before when getting in the car. John froze again, and as he looked up, he saw the beast looming over him. "Holy Shi.." was all John could muster as the beast lunged for him and then vanished, as if it was just a hallucination. John rose to his feet, everything seeming normal again. He went through the rest of the day as normal as he would have had, but every now and then he would catch glimpses of the beast, grinning at him.

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