The warnings

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July 7,1899

It's 4 and I am was woken up by quiet laughter so I walked down the stairs I walked into the kitchen expecting to find Tommy and Clementine , instead I saw no one . I could still hear the laughter and in a low quiet shaky voice I said Tommy time to go to bed , Tommy ? Tommy ? I said .my heart's racing just then the door slowly opens I race to the door yelling out Tommy Tommy and as I reached the door I saw Tommy walking towards the woods , I ran towards him with tears in my eyes saying Tommy Tommy come back to the house . he never looked back so I grabbed him and ran into the house , when I sat him down he was asleep .

July 10 , 1899

I was woken up by a little girl I couldn't tell who it was but it was probably just Clementine , I wasn't to freaked out by it until the little girl said u really need to leave now the bad people have seen Tommy . They are trying to bring him towards the woods I said why ?she answered me in a shaky voice and said you will find out if u don't leave soon .

July 14 , 1899

It's only been a couple of days since the little girls warning , I have not stopped thinking about it . I don't know if I should tell my parents or not for if I tell them they will surely think I'm crazy but if I don't we may just figure out what happened to those people .

July 20 , 1899

Today I made it clear to myself that I am not telling my parents , because they just might put me in the nut house . I just wish I could tell them though

July 25 , 1899

Tonight I heard Tommy's door open so I got up my eyes still trying to adjust to the darkness I was in Tommy's room trying to find him he was no where to be seen , I looked out the window and saw Tommy walking towards the woods . My eyes weren't totally adjusted to the darkness but it looked like a tall man holding Tommy's hand , tears were forming in my eyes. My eyes had just adjusted to the darkness , I opened the window and started yelling out Tommy ! Tommy ! Now here's the scariest part , I heard a boys voice it was Tommy's he was lying under the covers and said why are you yelling my name ? I looked back outside the window and saw the man he slowly turned his head and smiled !

July 30 , 1899

I can't stop thinking about the man .... I asked Tommy if he knew the man outside ,Tommy said that he was the man that the little girl Clementine had warned him about. This answer scared me half to death I couldn't process the thought of Tommy actually knowing what I was talking about , I was hoping that he would say no I don't know who you are talking about . I thought it was probably just my imagination but I guess it wasn't .

August 3 , 1899

This morning I went outside with Tommy we had our normal conversation , when Tommy just stopped and starred at the woods he then turned around and started running . When I turned and looked towards the woods I saw nothing, for the first time in forever I never saw anything that was paranormal or frightening I was very relieved that nothing like that happened and a little surprised . I walked inside and I asked Tommy what was out there and he said I don't want to talk about it .

August 5 , 1899

It was midnight when I heard a scream that came from the woods , I got up to look out the window but of course I had to use the bathroom so I got up and went to the restroom when I was about to walk out I saw something I don't know how to explain what I saw exactly , it was a hairy like creature with dagger like teeth and sharp claws . it was dragging two people I couldn't identify them at first , but after starring for awhile I recognized the women she was the women who I saw crying that one day when I was in the fields . I followed quietly behind the creature , it turned and went inside my room and when I walked in there I saw Clementine laying in my bed but the decorations were different the wall said Clementine on it . I saw the thing positioning clementines parents like they were still alive , the dad was sitting in a chair with his hands in his lap and the mother was sitting on the edge of Clementine's bed . At first I thought the thing didn't know what it was doing until it took some blood and drew a circle with a triangle and in the triangle was an eye , he then wrote this sentence : I KNOW YOUR AWAKE CLEMENTINE . Clementine looked more scared than ever, she was pale All over and was trembling the thing had positioned itself under the bed ready to strike . I suddenly woke up in my bed Clementine was in the door way just standing there , I said was that what happened to you and your family she answered softly yes yes it is . "It will happen to your family too if you don't leave soon the bad man who sent that thing will do the same to you " Clementine warned. I was very frightened I couldn't speak move or scream I was just too scared to move .

August 8 ,1899

I asked Tommy about the thing that he saw a couple days ago and he explained exactly what I saw , I told him that we have to work together to get our parents to let us leave here. He agreed on helping me try to get our parents too move to a new state far far away . We made a plan to beg and plead with all our' might and to show them some of the weird things that go on .

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