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   1: The pre-made covers are just to show you the type of covers that I covers that I can make. They were actually pre-mades (so you could just have them if you were to ask), but my dumbass accidentally deleted them all off of my phone. If you guys want the title though I can always make you another one somewhat like it.

   2: I (we) absolutely suck at checking the notifications for this account so please please if you want a cover instead of commenting (o you can do both) then send one of us a message (@sydniez02 or @TvdLover2001). If you message Syd then she'll let me know. You can continue to just comment, but it could be awhile before we actually see it so you'd be better off messaging one of us. 

   3: I'm so so sorry for any inconvenience this causes or has caused you. Also sorry if you commented for a cover before and I didn't get it made in time.

   4: If you want a cover then all you have to do is fill out the form below:




*Any extra stuff or cast that

you want on it.

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