Chapter 1 : The Calling

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Chapter 1 : The calling

I feel the blood course through my veins, so hot my body feels as though it is being scorched from the inside out. I am running now, above me I hear ravens cry against the glowing moon as I near the clearing in the forest. As I approach the small lake I am greeted by a wolf across the way. At first I am taken back slightly, but as the large brown wolf looks up my eyes become interlocked with the luminous yellow orbs staring back at me, and, for whatever reason, I feel home.I watch as the beautifully misunderstood creature dips his head back to clear water for another drink. Without realizing it, my cupped hands are bringing the same cool, tempting liquid to my lips for a taste. We occasionally glance at one another, our eyes speaking a language of their own. A loud howl echoes through the trees until it reaches our ears, causing us to turn to its direction. Our eyes lock once more, almost as to say a sorrowful goodbye this time, as we each turn and to go our separate ways.

My alarm begins to blare desperately begging for me wake up. It has unfortunately succeeded in its mission. I groan as I hit the dismiss button on my cell phone and reluctantly sit up in my bed wiping away the remaining sleep from my eyes. It takes a mere second for my nose to start sniffing about when it registers the sweet smell of cinnamon buns.'Mmmm.' I quickly throw on my clothes, a tank top and some cut off shorts paired with simple black and white converse, and race down the stairs to the sweet aroma that had been teasing me since I first awake.

" Morning mom," I cheerfully shout as I turn the corner to kitchen.

"Morning hun," She says over her shoulder, as I sneak a look behind her in search of my treat. She begins to laugh as though she has eyes on the back of her head. "I swear Nevi, that nose if yours ruins all your surprises," she laughs as she turns to reveal a plate stacked with homemade cinnamon rolls and icing. As I began to reach for one she pulls the plate away leaving me with saddened eyes. " Uh-uh, go get your brothers first." I groaned as I slumped out of my seat and yelled into the hallway.

"Danny! Alex! Time to eat!!!!"

My mom rolled her eyes before setting the plate in front of me. " I could have done that Nevaeh."

"It worked," I shrugged as my younger brothers took a seat at the table.

"Morning," they said in perfect union. They seemed to look so much more like mom then I did. All three shared the same sandy brown hair, hazel eyes, and dimpled smile. I took more after dad with thick black hair and bright green eyes. My mind began to wonder to my dad who had been away on a trip. Tough life for a pilot some times. Good thing mom kept herself busy working as a cook at the boys' junior high. A rolled up napkin to the face brought me back to reality. "Hey which one of you threw that?!" The twins just shrugged as they walked out to the car. Mom decided to take the chance to remind me of the boys' birthday party this weekend.

" Don't forget to pick up their gift that your father put on lay away. He may not be able to make it so he wants to be sure he can see them open it on Skype."

" Don't worry mom. I'll pick it up after school, no worries." She smiled and nodded as we headed to our vehicles. I watched the three of them back out of the driveway before I climbed into the drivers seat of my truck and did the same. I seemed to shift into auto pilot as I parked and slid out of my black 63' Chevy. My mind began to wander as I somehow found my way to homeroom.'What idiot thought having math in the morning would wake students up? It can't even keep my attention when I'm actually awake...' As though reading my mind, Gabe, one of my friends, began to complain the same thoughts.

" Math this early should be illegal."

"Agreed," I said nodding. Just then the door swung open and our somewhat irritated teacher welcomed us in from the chilly morning air. We tried to hid our laughter as we took our seats, knowing that he had overheard us. After what seemed like an eternity the bell finally rang and the teacher dismissed us. Gabe and I walked walked to our next shared class, English. Now that was something to get my mind up and running!

"Good morning class!!!" Gabe and I took our seats behind Diana and Elizabeth, two long time friends of ours. I had known both since the seventh grade, a good five years now. Gabe had known them for two. We began our group work on Edgar Allen Poe's Black Cat. We were supposed to make a children's picture book out of the story. 'Don't see how this will work...' As I copied down the project guidelines from the board I found myself getting lost in the writing. What was words just a few moments ago was now reshaping into a picture of some sort. The chattering of my class mates disappeared and I felt myself being pulled to the whiteboard. The closer I got, more of the picture was revealed. I let my hand rest on the board and soon found myself gazing into a large pair of familiar yellow eyes.

"The dream..." I felt the hushed words pass through my lips as I went to touch it once more. Just as I was about to a hand on my shoulder took me from my trance. I turned to see Diana holding my shoulder and the class staring at me. I turned back to the board and saw that I has smeared off some of the words that were, in fact, still there.

"Are you okay Vaeh? (pronounced vay uh)" Diana asked with a concerned face.

"Yeah...sorry must be tired or something," I smiled back to comfort her, however, her eyes remained unconvinced. We went back to our seat and began to forge work. Not wanting others to over hear what was going on I passed a note to my 3 friends telling them that I would tell them at lunch. I was lost in my thoughts when the rang, signalling break. Ms Goldhammer kept me back to make sure I was alright. After making up a story of falling asleep and sleep walking she let me go. Biology and Cooking went by with out much event. Then lunch arrived and I was met with eager eyes. Diana, being more of a dream interpreter then the rest of us began to make notes of my dream.

"Alright, I think I got everything. I'll bring my book tomorrow." Just then I felt a tight hug from behind.

"What book?" I pulled away instantly at my ex boyfriends voice.

"Nana's dream book," Elizabeth stated noticing my irritation.

"Oh? Dream of me?" I could hear the smile in his voice as he stood behind me.

"Nope." I laughed. Just as he was about to say something I could hear a few more voices behind us. I turned to see Diana's cousin Marcus, and his friend Joey. They were often too busy to hang out with us at lunch but would stop and visit occasionally. Thankfully they were here to say hi and to get Tyler off my back, literally. They each gave us a hug before dragging Tyler off with them.

"God he's annoying." Gabe chimed in. We burst into laughter at the simultaneous"Yeah!"

History and PE completed my day in school. I had spent most of the day stuck in auto pilot thinking of my dream. In fact I hadn't noticed that I had left my backpack in the locker room until after so had already reached the truck. I groaned irritated with myself before I hurriedly turned back to the locker rooms.

"Damn it Nevaeh! Ugh I need to focus on what I'm doing or I'm going to end up-" Just then I bumped into someone, hard enough for us to both fall over."OH MY GOD, I AM SOOO SORRY!" I quickly got to my feet and tried to help up the boy I'd knocked down.

"Its fine," He sounded kind of irritated, which was if course understandable. He got up and began to brush himself off as I bent down to pick up the papers that he had been carrying.

"Here, I'm so sorr-" The boy the boy had soft brown hair, a little darker then my mom's and brothers', but what caught me off guard most was his striking eyes. They were a warm honey color, tinted with soft browns, and somehow they seemed familiar. I began to feel myself engulfed in his eyes. He opened his mouth to speak when a faint whistle rang in my ears. A moment or so later he turned and left without another word. Still in a daze, I turned and continued to the locker room, grabbed my bag, and made my way back to the truck. A text from my mom was all I needed to get my mind to finally focus on picking up my brothers' gift.

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