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"You the man up in these streets

But when it comes to my heart

That don't mean a thing"

"You kissed?" Zoe Mae exclaimed, it was our day off and she wanted to know everything.

"Yes" I said, I could feel my cheeks flushing pink color.

"Aww that's so cute" She squealed

"We have loads in common you know" I told her

"So you gonna go out with him again?" She asked

"If he asks then yeah I will" I smiled

"Does Callum know?" She asked, I hadn't thought about that because when Josh brought it up I cast it aside because I wanted him to kiss me.

"I don't know actually, probably not I guess" I shrugged

"What if he gets pissed?" She asked, it was a good question but again I shrugged

"I'm a big girl, I can do what I want and technically I'm older than him" I laughed.

"I think you should ask him to come over" Zoe said

"Why?" I asked

"Well I haven't seen him in ages and he's really fun. He can bring one of his friends if he wants I don't mind" She said, she's right we haven't hung out with him in ages.

"I'm glad you don't mind him bringing friend" I said sarcastically as I pulled out my phone to text him

TO: The Twin👫

Hey bro, you free today? Xx

"I've asked him if he's free, I dunno how long he's gonna take to reply" I locked my phone setting it on the coffee table.

"Let's watch some telly" Zoe grabbed the remote flicking on some Jeremy Kyle.

"Where's Security Steve?" I asked giggling, him being my favorite aspect of the show.

"Look! They're about to fight" She said laughing

"OI OI! Go on Steve" I laughed watching Security Steve get in the middle and hold the two men apart.

FROM: The Twin👫

Yeah I got nothing on today 

TO: The Twin👫

D'you wanna come over to chill with me and Zoe today? You can bring mate or two if you want xx

FROM: The Twin👫

Sure I can come over I'll bring Harry 

TO: The Twin👫

That's cool see you soon xx

"Callum is on his way and he's bringing Harry" I told Zoe, Harry is one of my brother's Flat mates. He also lives with someone else but me and him don't get on, his name is also Callum and he is the most annoying guy I've ever met, he always has something to say even if the conversation doesn't involve him.

"Ohthat's fine I like Harry" She said before she went to the Kitchen and came backwith a bag of crisps    


I'm gonna upload 2 more chapters, wow 4 in the same day.

Song of the chapter: It Won't Stop by Sevyn Streeter

Joshua // j.bradley ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now