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"I have a very special night planned for us" Josh and I were walking down the busy street, he had just picked me up from work. Did I mention it's Christmas Eve, me and Josh have officially been together 2 months 3 days ago, we didn't do anything big because two months isn't big, he took me out to dinner.

"What do you mean you took my out just a few days ago" I said

"I know but Christmas is going to be spent with everyone and I want a bit of Christmas alone with you" He smiled as his fingers interlocked with mine.

"You're sweet does that mean we can exchange presents" I said excitedly

"Yes it does" He smiled at my excitement, I had picked the perfect present and I really think he'll like it.


"You look to good for words" Josh said as I came outside to meet him, he opened the car door for me as I thanked him for his compliments.

"Put this on" He held out a blindfold

"Why do I feel like I'm gonna be kidnapped" I said looking at it

"D'you trust me?" He asked I nodded, as I did he held the blindfold out or me, I put it round my head being careful not to ruin my hair or makeup. Josh set off driving and after a short journey he parked the car, I still couldn't see so he came to my side of the door and helped me out. He held my waist as he directed to where we going.

"Okay, 3... 2... 1..." He said and took the blindfold off me. I was standing in front of a big tent set up and it had the entrance opened so I could see inside. There was a table and two chairs, the whole thing was decked out with fairy lights an tinsel for the Christmas feel.

"This is so beautiful Josh" I said giving him a hug

"Thank you" I whispered to him while we embraced each other.

"Come on let's go inside" He said and took my hand to lead me into the big tent.

"I got your usual" He said pulling the seat out for me and I saw a Nando's delivery bag in front of each of us with a bottle of Dr Pepper next to it. I smiled looking at it, I would take this over fancy restaurants any day. I could see how much effort went into this and I was so in love with everything.

"I love you" I smiled as he sat down

"I love you too" He smiled

"Bon Appetite" Josh said and we both went into out bags and pulled out our take away. We spoke here and there throughout the food, but mostly eating and I was still admiring the whole thing.

"Ready for presents?" He asked when we were both done

"Can I give yours first" I asked, he nodded and I grabbed them out of my bag I had three small-ish presents and I laid them in front of him,

"Go ahead" I smiled, he picked up the first box and opened it excitedly like a little child, I giggled at the cuteness.

"Aww Lex these are sick" He said, I had gotten him cufflinks, but they were customs and they were in his little speech bubble channel logo with a Z in the middle.

"I love these, thank you" He got up and came over to give me a kiss

"I knew you'd like those" I smiled proud of myself as he walked back over to his seat. The next one was a photo of us in a frame basic but I like it and so did he. The present left last was a dog tag with Daddy Zerk engraved in it.

"I'm never gonna live this down am I" He sighed shaking his head

"You know you love it" I said

"I'll wear it because I love you" He rolled his eyes and started laughing as he put it round his neck

"My turn for presents" I clapped my hands bouncing up and down in my seat

"Okay, here you go" He said placing four boxes in front of me

"Three of them are proper the last one is just something I thought you should have" He smiled and nodded to let me open them, I unwrapped the first which revealed a ring.

"This ring is so beautiful" I said looking at it

"It's a promise ring" He said, My Queen was engraved in the inner part of the ring

"I am a queen aren't I," I smiled as I placed it on my right hand ring finger. I went over to give him a kiss as he did to me. I sat back down and unwrapped the rest, it revealed a necklace with a heart locket, I opened it and inside was a picture of me and Josh and the other side had a note,

For more memories

"Aww this is so sweet" I smiled and went to give him another kiss, he pulled me on to his lap this time so I stayed there and opened the last 2 presents, I opened the slightly bigger one first. It had loads of little things and a not on top,

For the daddy teddy

I laughed and looked at the items he had got a small beard, a tie and a T-shirt for it.

"I'll put these on him when I get home" I smiled and kissed his cheek, I set it aside and went to the last small box

"Now this isn't a proper present just something I thought you should have it" He said, I unwrapped it and it was a key.

"Is this to the house?" I asked holding it

"Yes, I thought since you're there a lot you should be able to come in whenever" He smiled, I leaned down and kissed him,

"Thank you" I smiled when we pulled apart

"Merry Christmas Lex" He grinned     



Joshua // j.bradley ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now