Chapter 1

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Thena's POV

"Excuse me, pardon me, pregnant lady coming through".
And just like magic, the crowd parts. It's surprising the wonders a round stomach can work in this world. Of course, I do feel bad for pretending to be pregnant just to get a seat on the train, but a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do. Besides, it's not like the world has been fair with me, so it's only fair I do to it what it's done to me. I mean, if the world was fair, it would have had black skies, wailing people and natural disasters the moment I was left at the altar.
But it didn't do that. It went on being nice and sunny, completely ignoring the pain of this shattered young girl. Pushing away my morbid thoughts, I bring out my grey laptop, as I settle on the train seat. My car is parked at home, withering away, while I use the train and my legs to go everywhere. You see, the stink and noise of it all prevents me from having thoughts of a certain someone.
Scrolling through my inbox, I'm just about to get lost in the mundanity of work, when I feel hot coffee being dumped on my shoes. Counting to ten in my head, I try not to think of the fact that the shoes are brand new and have definitely been ruined. Whoever it is, they're probably having a bad day too, and blowing a gasket won't help in anyway. I try to calm my breathing as I turn to look at the offending person; I need to be nice and empathetic. But then it hits me, an all too familiar scent - one imprinted on my memory in a painful and life changing way.

Oh no. Hell no. Alistair. This must be a sick cosmic joke.

Hope u liked the first chapter(I know it's really short. It's like an intro). Please vote and comment to let me know your thoughts 💕
Valzverry (valeriehashimwrites)

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