|| Chapter 1 ||

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      Sunday. Today is the day I'm giving Freddy Huerta a second chance. Huerta's known as a player, getting all the girls at one glance and one smirk, a chick magnet as some would say. He has dated and broke a lot of girl's hearts. But no matter how much effort I tried avoiding him, I realized I was already in love.

      He and I started dating 2 months after the first day of school. It lasted about 3 months then I caught him making out with another girl in an empty classroom. I broke up with him, of course. A week later, he went up to me and apologized profusely, saying he thought it was me who he was kissing. I accepted his apology 3 days later cause I missed him so much.

      Today, he asked me if we could meet at McDonald's and make it a date. I agreed and here I am, still waiting. Minutes later, he arrived.

  "Hey gorgeous." he said. Gosh, he has the sweetest compliments.


  "So, let's make this our first official date, then?"

  "Of course!"

  "Great! Umm, what should we order?"

  "Just a cheeseburger would be good, thanks."

  "Alright. By the way, my treat." He stood up and ordered at the counter. He came back with a tray of fries.

  "So umm.. they said the cheeseburger will take 5 more minutes.."

  "Oh, it's okay. I'll just wait." I said. Then I felt like I had to go.

  "I'm just gonna go powder my nose."

  "Okay, I'll wait here." he said.

I went to the bathroom and peed. I walked back to our table and I saw Tomika, my dear best friend, kissing Freddy. I started crying and my hands started to shake.

  "Tomika, get off of me!" said Freddy, pushing her away. Then he saw me.

  "Summer, I promise, I swear, I wasn't kissing her back. She just said 'hi' to me and suddenly smooched me!" he said, but I have had enough of his excuses. I grabbed my wallet and phone and walked away, leaving the fast food chain. What was I thinking? How could a playboy ever change his ways? I'm such a fool.

      I left McDonald's sobbing, walking back to my house.


      I went to McDonald's to have a date with Summer. I wanna date her again. She isn't the kind of girl I used to date, she's special, I don't wanna hurt her ever again.

  "Hey gorgeous." I said, sitting beside her. I put my arm around her.

  "Hey.." she said. That beautiful smile of hers, it makes me melt every time.

  "So, let's make this our first official date, then?"

  "Of course!"

  "Great! Umm, what should we order?" 

  "Just a cheeseburger would be good, thanks."

  "Alright. By the way, my treat." I went to the counter and ordered for us.

  "So umm.. they said the cheeseburger will take 5 more minutes."

  "Oh, it's okay. I'll just wait." she said. "I'm just gonna go powder my nose." which meant she was gonna go to the restroom. Thank you Fairly Odd Parents!

  "Okay. I'll wait here." She went into the girls' restroom and I waited, eating my fries. Then a familiar face approached me.

  "Oh, hi Freddy!" It was Tomika. She's never been my type, but she is my best friend Zack's crush since kindergarten.

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