Chapter 2. HHEEEII? I'm in the past?

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3rd person's pov.

As Alaude was patrolling he heard a voice in somewhere. HHHHEEEEEIIIIIII???? Why am I in such a huge house?" The voice said he then went to the voice and saw someone "For coming to Vongola Territory, I'll arrest you to death." He said.

"HHHHHHEEEEEEIIIIII????" The boy said.

-----Mini Skip.

As he lock Tsuna in the cell, he immediately went to the office of Giotto. He slam the door open.

"Alaude how many times I told you not to Slam my door! It will cause paperworks!!" Giotto said in italian.

"Hn. I found a spy herbivore earlier, his in the cell." Alaude reply in italian too.

"Let him stay there for a while. I go as soon I finish some paperworks." Giotto said in italian.

"Hn." Alaude just nod and went out of the office.

On the other hand, Tsuna was thinking how the hell he get to the past? And did he really saw Alaude? "Ah.... Probably Giannini touch the bazooka again. Ah, Why do my people are so clumsy."  Tsuna thought in Japanese but he giggle thinking again. "Look who's talking." He thought again.

He sighed and just lay on the bed. "I wonder what will happen next? But atleast I can get my sleep." Tsuna thought in japanese but as soon as he close his eyes he heard a loud slam. "Or not." He said to hisself. It was the door and it reveled a Pin- I mean Red hair guy.

Tsuna was shock, now he really was sure that he was in the past, 400 years ago to be exact. "You Stupid Spy, Tell us who you are working for!?" The guy said in italian as he approach the cell.

"HHHHHEEEEIIIII, What should I say?" Tsuna thought in japaneseHe then look down and play with his finger. "I-I-I'm not a spy eventually." Tsuna said in italian he was nervous he don't know what to say.

"Dame-Tsuna. If reborn will saw you probably he will Tutor you no Tutor mean Torture." Tsuna thought in japanese

"Then how did you get inside?" The man said in Italian.
"I-I really don't know...." Tsuna said In italian without looking at the red man.

"Tsk." The man said as he walk outside slamming the door behind him. Tsuna sighed and fell on the bed again. "What should I do? How do I go home?" He thought in japanese. The bed was small but satisfying, he then want to go back to sleep again because for 3 months he often skip on sleeping and some meals due to overload paperworks cause by his thankful powerful and destructive guardians. He often sleep half an hour no sometimes just 20 minutes of less.

As he was going to drift to sleep he then again heard the door open. He open his eyes slowly and sat up again. He then saw a man wearing some japanese cloths, with navy blue eyes and has a warm smile.

"Hey kid, What's your name?" He ask in Italian.
"Sa- I mean Tsunayoshi. You can call me Tsuna." Tsuna said in italian with a smile cause he knows that Asari was gentle and kind, the first rain guardian who calms everybody.

"Tsuna? Sounds like a Japanese." Asari said in italian.
"Un." Tsuna nod with a smile.
"Your cute kid. Specially you have a warm smile. But I wonder how did you pass Alaude security systems?" Asari said in Japanese this time cause he will test the kid if he knows how to speak his language.

"Ahm...I-I- I Really don't know." Tsuna said in japanese as he look down and play with his finger.
"Just I thought, your a Japanese. You could speak fluent with that language but it was clear on your name. Last question, are you a spy?" Asari ask with a warm smile.

Tsuna shook his head indicating a No. Asari then nodded and left Tsuna. But unlike G the door was shut down quietly because Asari was calm and nice.

"Good thing not all the guardians are scary. But now as I met G, he really looks like Hayato and also has the same personality with him. Asari? he is really the Ancestor of Takeshi. They both have the same personality, very Calming." Tsuna thought.

Then after 10 seconds the door burst open again. "EXTREMELY good day Tsunayoshi." Knuckle said in japanese as he went to the cell.

"Good day too." Tsuna said with a smile.
"Your smile is cute to the EXTREME." Knuckle said in Japanese.
Tsuna look down and blush a little. "A-A-Arigatto." Tsuna said.

"Ugh, Why do people thinks I'm cute? Kyoya once say that I look like a girl-Herbivore. Then mukuro said that I'm more cuter than a girl, then Haru is jealous because of my skin is white and creamy and suit my cute face. Now this, Knuckle-nii thinks I'm cute too...Mou..." Tsuna though in annoyance but he did not show it to Knuckle specially his not from this time.

as Knuckle saw the expression of Tsuna he smile. "Cute to the EXTREME!" Knuckle said as he turn around and walk away.

"am I that cute?" Tsuna ask hisself before going back to the real question. "Mou~ I shouldn't be here right now. I should do something so I could go back. But what would I do????" Tsuna said to hisself but later on Lampo showd up.

"Hoy Spy, bow to Ore-sama da. Wait, do you have a candy?" Lampo ask in japanese.
"Ahm..." Tsuna check his pocket than he got one grape lollipop from his pocket. It suppose to be for Lambo but since Lampo ask him he'll give it. He had a jar of them anyway.

"Here..." Tsuna said and he offer it to Lampo who gladly accept and walk away. "Is what he want?" Tsuna ask hisself. But then he shrug it off as he was tired and fell again but he heard a creepy laugh.

"Nufufufu~ So the spy name is Tsunayoshi? and your a Japanese.. How interesting~" Daemon said as he appear from the mist near the cell.

"Melon-nii-" Tsuna said but he cover his mouth with his head realizing what he said.

"Nufufufu~ Did you just call me a melon?" Daemon said as he gave a glare at Tsuna. Tsuna quickly shook his head harshly. Daemon just 'tsk' and disappeared along the mist.

"Dame-Tsuna! Once a Dame always a Dame, how could you say that?" Tsuna said while slapping his forehead with his hands.


Thanks for reading hope you like it 😄😄

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