Ch.7 Missing Tsuna

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3rd person's Pov.

Giotto and rest of the guardians where worried because Tsuna start to pant harder as he was catching his breath. His fever was not running down even Knuckle try is best to heal Tsuna with the sun flames.

There Tsuna was looking so weak and fragile laying on Giotto's bed. Tsuna's eyes didn't open ever since he fell unconscious. Its already a day since his like that.

The others are very worried even though they have so many questions on how or who's tsuna.

Giotto then set a meeting. They discuss that Sawada Tsunayoshi, is the Vongola Decimo from the future. Just like Aki Tsubaki who came from the future as well.

All them agree in the theory of Giotto. When the meeting was finish they went in separated ways and do there jobs. Giotto who just sigh and keep signing paperworks look at Tsuna who's currently on the bed looking so weak and fragile.

"I hope that Bastard Aki won't attack as when tsuna is in that condition." Giotto thought as he keep signing his paper works.

In The Present.

E verybody miss there sky. There Sky's warm smile and angelic Voice.

Lambo who is thinking about his Tsuna-nii can't sleep because every night his Tsuna-nii always give him candy and always tell him a bed time story that was nice and always end up with a happy ending.

He remember where he the great lambo-sama was the lighting, the lighting that will strike to whoever his enemy is, he remember when Tsuna tell him that he is strong no matter what, In and out.

But for Lambo, he is strong when his Tsuna-nii is beside him, around him. After all Tsuna was the only person who accept him even though he is just a pain in a butt kid. Now that his 9 years old already he knows already too much being a 9 years old kid because of his Tsuna-nii.

"I miss Tsuna-nii, specially when the days he gave me candy." Lambo said as he eat his dinner peacefully.

"Your not the only one stupid-cow. I also miss the warm smile of Juudaime." Hayato said.

Hayato did really miss his previous Juudaime. How his Juudaime being so humble and scold him because he call him 'juudaime' not Tsuna. But Hayato insist because for him Tsuna was more than a Juudaime his 'his' sky. The sky who accept him without hesitation, the sky who accept him more than just a Storm guardian but also a Best Friend. He then sigh and continue eating.

"To be honest, If Tsuna is not around. Life is too boring and not fun. More importantly its not complete." Takeshi thought. He also miss his sky, the sky who save his life before. The sky who is willing to be his friend not because his popular or good at baseball but the sky who accept him for who he is. He miss Tsuna's warm smile and angelic voice.

Its Odd to see Mukuro and Kyoya not to fight, but they did not because they too miss there sky.

For Mukuro, Tsuna was too Naive and Pathetic for accepting him in his family. But either was he was happy because finally someone accept him for who he really is, who he really was. Even though Mukuro was a monster, Tsuna accept him no matter what and the best of all became his friend, a true friend.

Kyoya who is the perfect demon of namimori was living peacefully great. But sometime he felt alone and lonely because no one, as in no one would ever dare to approach him. But Tsuna change that, Tsuna who made his life turn to 270 degree. Because of Tsuna he found some worthy herbivore to fight for, because of Tsuna he became more stronger, because of Tsuna a cloud like him could move clearly, and because of Tsuna he won't feel lonely or alone anymore. Because now he has a family to protect and cherish. He miss his sky.

Everybody miss Tsuna. The mansion won't be the same without Tsuna's presence. Even reborn admit that he miss his Dame student, he miss his "HHHHIIIIIIIEEEEEE???" Sound and more important he miss his warm smile.

"Tsk, Verde better hurry up to contact My dame student cause I'm really going to shoot a bullet to him if he don't hurry up!" Reborn thought.


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