chapter 2

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The boy was almost 17 years old his name Donnie, Donnie Chance but he preferred his juggalo name shadow walker

He sat in the back of his class not caring about the lesson he didn't know need to know that you could make lime Stone from gunpowder he wouldn't need to know that for later life and he thought it was stupid that they were trying to teach them it at all

He just sat there with his headphones on with his hood up so the teacher couldn't see them while the teacher went on and on about boring ass shit he could care less about

His life wasn't a good one he lived in a trailer park with his mother who worked in a diner and sold crack she was also an addict of it and would only make it to work about three days a week with her job only holding on by the fact that she was fucking the manager, his dad left before he was born

He wished there was other juggalos at his school or in his town but there wasn't he was considered by all to be scrub and was more of an outcast then the nerds he didn't get along with anyone except for the stoners

He wasn't paying attention and didn't notice that his teacher Mr. Jhonson was standing behind him

Mr. Jhonson pulled off his hood then took off his headphones

Donnie noticed and turned around and looked at him

"Well what are we doing Mr. Chance ignoring class again" said his teacher

"There's no point in me learning this" said Donnie

"Oh yes there is you might become carpenter"

"I'm not gonna be a fucking carpenter" 

"Watch your mouth young man now pay attention to the lesson or I'll send you to detention"

Mr. Jhonson then walked back to the front of the class and continued with his lesson

Donnie sat back stareing at the board as the teacher drowned on

He could hear a boy talking a little ways away from him

"Fucking freak" the person said it sounded like a boys voice with followed by laughter from two others "watch this"

A few seconds later Donnie felt a textbook hit him in the side of the head

Donnie looks over to see the guy laughing Donnie gets pissed jumps out the desk then runs and tackles the boy out of his desk he then sits on boys stomach repeatedly punching him in the face

"Mr. Chance get off him this instant!" Yelled his teacher

He ignored him and kept punching him

Another boy got up grabbed his chair and hit donnie over the head with it Donnie got knocked off the other boy

The boy with the chair swung the chair down at him but Donnie caught it then punched him in the stomach

The boy let go of the chair backing away from him in pain

Donnie got up and hit the boy in the face with the chair knocking him out

The boy he was on top of was back on his feet he put Donnie in a headlock choking him

Donnie gasped for breath as he struggled trying to escape but had no luck

"That's right you scrub go to sleep" said the boy

Donnie got angry which gave him the adrenaline he needed he jumped his feet in the air and brought them down hard turning the boys body weight against him as he was flipped over Donnie landing on his back groaning in pain

Donnie fell to his hands and knees breathing in deeply coughing

"Mr. Chance that was unacceptable your suspended!" Said his teacher

"He started it!" Said Donnie

"And I'm ending now get your stuff and leave now!"

"That's not fair!"

"Leave now or I'll call security"

Donnie growled in anger grabbed his backpack and headphones then walked out the classroom and school headed towards home 

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