Part 3

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        She didn't know when she fell asleep but it must've been for a while as she found herself lying in a soft and very comfortable bed. She felt sore around her midsection and her ankle was throbbing, but other than that, she was fine. She took in her surroundings. It was small, but comfy. She noticed that she was wearing a new set of clothes. Her shirt was changed into a new and clean one. She frowned upon this. "Don't worry, my mother's a doctor, she changed your clothes by the way," Quickly, she looked up as the boy walked in and sat in a nearby chair. The girl sat there for a minute processing what the boy had said. She was wearing clean fresh clothes, not hand me downs and not old ones. Why? She couldn't understand what she did to deserve this, this hospitality. The boy seemed to sense her discomfort and moved on to a different topic. "You, uh, had a few broken bones, not too bad. And your, uh, ankle is, um...uh, broken. You've got a mild concussion and bruising. Other than that, you should be ok," The two sat in silence again. The girl took the time to look over the boy again. He had bright blue eyes and feathery black hair. He seemed so kind and generous, but Kelly knew better than to get attached. That's what always happened, you get attached to something only to have that something go away, or betray you, hurt you. She grimaced at the thought of that. Betrayal led to hurt, and hurt led to pain, if there's one thing she knew, then it was to never get attached, because sooner or later, she'd be thrown out again like the Sunday newspapers. She was about to crawl out of bed when the boy's hands stopped her. "No!" He shouted causing her to flinch. "I mean no, you can't get up. You're still recovering," He said gentler this time. Slowly, the girl was lowered back in the bed. "I don't think we had a proper introduction, I'm Eric, by the way, and you are?" He stretched his hand out again as the girl just stared at it. He wanted to know her name? That was strange, no one ever asked for her name, much less offer to shake hands. Kelly was baffled. What was she suppose to do? Tell him her name? Shake his hand? Slowly, she managed to find her voice, though at first it came off a bit raspy from lack of use.

"K-Kelly," She replied simply. The boy, Eric, retreated his hand back. So the girl can speak.

"Kelly," The boy repeated trying the new name out on his own lips. "Kelly," He barely whispered. "I like it," he was met again by silence. "What's your last name? Maybe we can find your parents and give you a ride ho-"
"No!" Kelly shouted shaking her head for emphasis. "Sorry," she muttered.

"It's fine," Eric shrugged. "Why don't you want to go home?" He asked, though he already had an idea as to why.

"It's not that," She finally replied after debating whether or not to tell the new stranger. "I don't have parents," 

"Oh," was all he said. "Well, um, do you want to stay with us?" Kelly's eyes shot wide with shock and confusion. This boy, the boy she just met not too long ago was offering a place to stay? She looked genuinely confused. Why? She had to ask herself again.

"I don't want to cause any troubl-"
"No, it's fine, we'd be glad to have you stay," Finding her courage once more, Kelly gave a small smile.

"Well if you don't mind, I guess I can." 

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