Your Heart, Let Me In

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Beautiful i love you.. i only love you

My heart when look toward you is burning

We're friends, not lovers.. it hurts

My heart can't be hidden

It's getting bigger.. it hurts

"I love you." Seohyun look at me, his body is trembling. Ryeowook's face keep flashing on my mind. 'give her a chance' that sound keep remaining in my brain.

"Seohyun I--" Before i could say anything, a voice cut my words.

"Kyuhyun! Teukie-hyung called yo-- oh hey Seohyun!" Eunhyuk came towards us and greet Seohyun. She just smile and we stay silent for a while. Eunhyuk look at us confused.

"Am i--"

"Is it time to go back practice?" I asked before he got suspicious. But my eyes still look directly at Seohyun's.

"Yes, come on. Teukie-hyung would scold us." Eunhyuk dragged me away as he grab my hand.

"Ah-- I will call you later." I said to Seohyun before turn around and following Eunhyuk.

"Reject her." Eunhyuk mumbled, but i can hear it.

"What do you mean?" I opened the bottle of ionic drink.

"You know. You will accept her, don't you?" He put his hand to his pocket and walk slowly beside me. I gulped my drink once and close it again.

"So, is that why you interrupting us?" I asked. I'm not that dumb to understand his intention. But what i don't understand is, why he care enough to stop me. Even Ryeowook letting go of me with his words. If Ryeowook said to give her a chance, he must be not have the same feeling with me. It's kinda obvious, he didn't care i will date Seohyun or not. Why Eunhyuk is the one who stopped me? As if i want someone else to tell me don't go.

"Yeah, kind of." He nodded.

"Teukie-hyung not called me." I said. Not questioning because i know the answer.

"We've done today. The members, some going home, some going somewhere.. and some waiting for you." Eunhyuk stopped his step as he look forward. I'm following his eyes direction and there is Ryeowook stand in front of practice room with our bag. His face look tired, there is dark circles in his eyes, and his sweat still lingering on his skin. He looked at his phone, typing something. Even in that state of mess, he looks sexy. His hair is wet and i can see his forehead that usually hiding because of his bangs.

"Be grateful i stopped you earlier." Eunhyuk chuckled as he sees my eyes got trapped in beautiful creature in front of us. "I will get going, i have some business here." He tapped my shoulder and walk away.

I move my steps towards Ryeowook, stopped in front of him. He look up and smile at me, a smile that full of tiredness.

"Hey, Kyu." He put his phone in the pocket. I just standing there, look at him closely, not even say a word. I was in denial with Eunhyuk's words, but then i'm feeling relieved. As i look at this small face, my eyes softened and feel warm. What am i thinking a few minutes ago? I want to give up on him so easily and let go of my feelings for 8 years passed. I just realize, this person in front of me means so much to me. If Eunhyuk not stopped me, i bet i will regret it. Forgetting, Move on, Avoiding, all of that walls.. will collapsed right away the second i look at his eyes. Damn it, Kim Ryeowook. I can't give up on you.

"K-Kyu?" Ryeowook called me nervously. I just realize how close my face to his. I step backwards and cleared my throat.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. Looking at his bag and mine.

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