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What are thongs you ask?

Thongs are a pair of underwear that has full coverage in the front yet NO protection in the front.

They are worn when you don't want a panty line or....... when you have to wash.

There's certain places you shouldn't wear a thong though.

Likeeee at grandmas house.

That'll be awkward considering grandma doesn't believe in privacy.

Before you even think about wearing a thong outside of your home, you need to wear it for a full day at home to see if your comfortable In them.

If you don't have time for that; keep in mind that you CANNOT fart in a thong!

And if you do,  move your string from in between them cheeks and let it flow.

I had to get used to the fact that I will have a permanent wedgy all day and it finally got comfortable.

Soooo if you are going to wear a thong just try to forget you are wearing a thong!

..........If that makes sense

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