Group Hangout

602 29 3

Jihoons POV

Classes for today are finally over, they were all really boring and none of the interest me. The good thing is that I had nearly every class with Soonyoung! Hehe the thought of just him brings a smile to my face, people have mistook us for a couple yet were not one I wonder why well maybe I'll never know.

I can finally got to bed a after a long Friday, sweet sweet bed I've missed you have you missed me? Oh yeah beds can't talk, I fell they did it would be my best friend for life because I'm mainly in my bed anyways so I could just talk to it all day long. Well I was planning to go to bed but a voice interrupted me.

"Hey Jihoon you coming out tonight cause the rest of us are?" It was Jeonghan.

"Um okay, where and when."

"Well we where thinking to have it downstairs from the dorm because there's a party room there and they say you can use it whenever you want to and for the other question it's going to be at 5:30, so you up for it."

"Mm sure why not."

Guess it sounds fun I mean it's better than being cooped up in the room all night and weekend.

"So by everyone do you mean everyone in this room or?"

"Ah about that they'll be some other people from this floor who where close friends with."


I might of not ever met the other people but if I just stick with Soonyoung and that I should be fine I think,  but you never know what could happen on nights out like this. So if it's only in the party room down stairs then I shouldn't have to wear anything fancy pancy that's good cause I have wearing ties and blazers.

It's now 5 o'clock and I think I should start getting ready before I can't be bothered to get up. Shower first, but what should I wear how about some ripped jeans with a thin jumper because when we're dancing I'll be sweating like mad so thick jumpers are out kofta the question definitely.

5:25 better get going can't believe I'm the only one in the dorm room right now considering that there's 12 other people staying in here but they're probably already at the part considering the time but I'm definitely not late so they can't say anything about that. Bye room hello party, is that a good thing to say?

Down the stairs I go, to the right I can hear music blasting that must be where it's at God this is going to be along night I can already tell. Walking in, I can see only a few people that I know and by that I mean the people who live in our room. I only really feel comfortable with them anyways so might as well go over there.

"Ah you made it Jihoonie nice to know your not a study freak" Soonyoung said, why would I be a study freak I mean I know I'm smart but I'm not a study freak I only study when I need to.

"Of course I made it and why would you think I'm a study freak idiot."

"Cause you give off the 'I need to do it all now' kinda person if that makes sense"

"Of course that doesn't fudging mean sense."

"Well it does to me so live with it jelly bean"

"Would you quit it with the pet names!"

"Hmmmm what about no"

"I'm not persuading you am I?"


"Fudge off"

"No I'm not going to leave you here in a place where you barely know any one because that would just be unfair on you and knowing your height you might get lost and then I don't know what I would do if I lost you becau-"

"Your rambling and it's getting boring so stop it"

"Fine just making sure you know"

I would never leave your side anyways

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