I Love You

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A~N I haven't updated this book in soooooooo long, sorry about that but today I can finally update because my football match got cancelled! Enjoy~

Jihoons POV

So today is Friday and I have no fudging clue about what to do, school got cancelled for today due to pipes leaking and literally water fountains were popping out of the pipes. So yeah that was about half of my day and right now I'm laid on my bed talking to myself, apparently it's good to talk to yourself because it realises stress or something like that but don't believe everything you read on the Internet because it ain't all true.

If your wondering about were the other guys are they're all down in a cafe over the road because they said it was boring sitting in the dorm room doing absolutely nothing so they went, and yes they did ask me it was just that I didn't want to go with all them vampires for all I know I could go the toilet and fudging die there because they sucked the bloody life out of me, I do NOT want to die like that never in a million years.

Gawd why is it so boring today, I need to do something or I'm going to end up pulling every little piece of my hair out. Someone come entertain me because I ain't sitting on my bed all day and night, haha its weird cause I'm talking to myself but not out loud, hellllooooo it's meeeeeeee can you understand me brainnnnnn.

It's like someone answered my prayers because the door clicked and Soonyoung came in, I bet he only come in to say he forget something and then leave straight away again. Doesn't seem like it though because he went over to his bed and sat down. Now I just feel awkward with only two of us here, why do we always seem to be alone together. Who planned this? I bet it was the maknaes they're always up to something down right mischievous. Please talk Soonyoung because if you don't I'm going to die from the to bored disease.

"Jihoon stop looking at me like that you look like someone just took away something from you."

Thank God he finally talked, but I'm not even looking at him so why would he say that? Guess he was just feeling awkward to.

"I'm not even looking at you, yah idiot."

"Ouch you don't have to be like that. Why are you so mean (ie) Jihoonie."

"I'm not mean, your just to stupid to realise that I'm just pointing out the harsh truth."

"Stooooop it, it feels like a bullet just pierced my heartue~"

He clutched his chest for a dramatic affect, God he can be so foolish sometimes but that's why I love him~

"You idiot."

"I'm your idiot Jihoonie and your my sugar plum~"

He blew me a kiss and then I blew it away and then he pouted.

"Stop hurting me baby~"


Did he just say that or was it my crazy imagination, I don't even want to think about it. How dare he call me baby who does he think he is. I'm not even his yet. Wait ignore the yet, we're not meant to be and never will be.

"Yes baby you are mine and so I can call you what I want Jellybean."

"W-when did I become y-yours"

"Ohoho you've always been mine sweetheart, I love you forever and always. When I first saw you i knew we would become something special so, for forever and now be my boyfriend who I can love and care for, let me pick you up when you fall and give you sweet tendered kisses until our last breathe."

I don't know why but tears are streaming down my face and Soonyoung keeps kissing them of my face. Calm down Jihoon it's not a marriage proposal but he did ask me to be his boyfriend agh what should I say.

"Y-yes I'll b-be yours, now a-and forever."

He picked me up and lifted me up and down, he was smiling like a idiot and to be truthful so was i. I can't express with words of how happy I am right now.

"I-i love you to"

Our faces inched closer and closer until our lips met, they perfectly melted together and moved in a steady rhythm. Soonyoung I will never forget this moment, let's love each other for ever and ever until we die because you are the other half of me I realised I needed, I love you, you love me it couldn't get any better.

He slipped a ring on my pinky saying 'my idiot.' And his said 'my Jellybean'

Let's be together forever.

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