Parents never understand us they hurt us in many ways.They think they have to fix us,all they do is break us more and blame us for everything.What are we supposed to do about the way we act,i mean its us they have to accept us.
I mean we need both parents right well they don't quiet understand that it hurts huh feeling like they don't care well I have to feel that everyday.What are we supposed to change to fit in,what do we have to do?I mean we are not popular us "people" are not popular like y'all but we do have a heart.Stop damaging us our parents judge us based on how popular we are,what freinds we have ect.
Well our parents will never understand us we are not our parents our parents are not us so fuck everyone we are free.Just careful with what you do cause you can't take anything back believe me I would know.They always ask us are u okay what happened they're trying not to be rude they are lying they most probably don't care so if yours do your lucky.I mean who am I to judge right...Parents can hurt us both emotionally physicaly.We loose our self esteem wich can lead to feeling lonely,depression and cutting.