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"Ms. Maraguinot, third on the sixth row. That's where you'll stay" The captain said upon realizing Jhoana has entered the training room. The latter immediately went to her place with a lost expression and disposition.

"Hey, you'll be fine" an agent beside Jhoana whispered to her.

"Agent Cotoco, would you want a hundred push ups? It might impress Jhoana better. Oh, you won't even get that far it'll be a shame so you better keep quiet and focus" The captain said on a serious yet low tone.

"Oooh" the other agents teased.

"Oh so everyone wants push ups now?" This made everyone quiet.

The captain decided to play capture the flag. The team that captures the flag of the opposing team first wins the battle.

"Remember, being hit by paint guns means you're out. We'll have same teams as we did the last time however this time Agent Madayag goes with Agent Tiamzon's team, Agent Maraguinot is mine" this made the agents look at each other and give out a smirk "I mean she is on mine"

This made Jhoana blush probably because of shame. Atleast that's what she told herself.

The game has started and everyone got to their position. Paint guns were firing everywhere and you can hear people shouting directions and curses.
"Come on, Maddie, concentrate." Agent Tiamzon said upon seeing Maddie just curled up on one side with brows furrowed.

"I'm not in the mood" Maddie lied.

"Jealous much."

"Shut up, Nicole. I just want to be on her team. I want to win"

"We'll win this time." Nicole said with confidence. "Let's bet. If we win, you'll treat me dinner. If not... I'll think of something later just please help us capture that damn flag"

"Okay fine" then they started getting into action.
On the other side, Bea and Jho caught up on each other on a partition on the way to the enemy's flag.

"Go for it, Jho" Bea commanded
"No. You go, captain"
"Are you disobeying orders?"
"Just because you're captain doesn't mean I should follow. I know better, matatalo lang tayo. I'm not used to this"
"Come on, getting that flag isn't that much of a job." Bea said in frustration.
"So is saying your name" Jho said naturally
"Ms. Maraguinot. I can order suspension for you for disobeying your captain's orders"
"Ugh fine"

Jhoana gave up the argument and stood up to go get the flag however Nicole was in position for a shot. Bea noticed this from her peripheral view so she ran then put her arms around Jho and turned her around so the shot went to her instead. Right then the bell from Nicole's team rang signaling that they won the game.
"Huh, dinner's on you, Maddie" Nicole said looking at Maddie who's now staring bitterly at the captain with Jho in her arms. "I could be the one holding you that way" she added however Maddie was too busy giving someone else her attention.
"Isabel Beatriz De Leon. That's my name." Bea whispered with her lips so close to Jhoana's ears with arms wrapped around her "I hope knowing my name would make you concentrate already." Then she let go.

Jhoana was left dumbfounded. It's the second time Isabel.. she stopped upon realizing she finally knows her name, Isabel saved her.

"Jhoana, are you okay?" A chinita girl all sweaty came to her.
"Y-yeah, I'm fine, who are you again?"
The chinita girl came to her laughing "I'm Deanna, Deanna Wong" Deanna held her hand out for a handshake but Jhoana wasn't able to accept it because someone butted in

"Agent Wong! you're also assigned in the dislocation of partitions. Move." Isabel said in a stiff tone.

Deanna scratched the back of her head and said "Should've known better. See you around, Jho"


"Ugh, she's annoying" Jhoana said upon entering the med wing and coming across Dr. Katz.
"You were so conscious about her name and now you're annoyed by it?"
"She made it look like I was desperate"
"Aren't you?" Dr. Katz looked at her with furrowed brows.
"Which side are you on?" Jhoana raised her voice which made the ginger doctor laugh.
"Look, It's okay to feel that way"
"I don't feel anything else except irritation."
"Maybe your irritation is your defensive mechanism" Dr. Katz said on a higher tone with raised palms.
"On what?"
"Jhoana, you're not the only one who's into that captain. There are a lot of you" this statement made Jhoana let out a disgusted look.
"What? I'm not into her. I'm straight." Jhoana said firmly.

Dr. Katz walked on a faster pace this time as she said
"Yup, that's what they all said"

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