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V E R O N I C A  L O D G E

"We need to find Betty, Arch!"
"And where are we gonna look for her! I know that didn't go well with Jughead! The exact same could happen!" While he babbles on about what happened with Jughead, I remember that me and Betty share iCloud! I can see where she is through her phone! Why didn't I think of this before?! "Are you even listening to me?"
"Shush Archiekins!" I place my finger on his lips before returning to my phone and opening the app we both have. What? She's where?
"What is it?!"
"She's in the Serpents bar!"

B E T T Y  C O O P E R

I sit near the bar with Reggie, sitting on his lap. This bar stinks. Man! Serpents stink! They have the bar by night and we have it by day. I remember Reggie telling me that one day they came in to blood across the floor and a bullet through the floor boards. God! What the hell do they do in here?!

Suddenly, Archie bursts through the door. The guys playing darts spins around and nearly hit him in the face, but miss and hit the door frame. They all laugh as he jumps to the side, hitting his shoulder on the other side. I smirk and stand up.
"Where is Betty Cooper?!" He yells. I say nothing. He can come to me. Everyone else stays smiling after I nod around. "Where the hell is she?! I need to speak to her! Immediately!"
"Move!" Veronica pushes past him. "Babe, she's right in front of you!" I smirk at her.
"How did you-"
"I can spot my B a mile away. Don't underestimate me!" She finishes texting on her phone before looking up at me. "B,"
"Veronica Lodge. Surprise to see you here! I can't say it a pleasant one."
"And why is that?"
"Because you left me!"
"I left you! You weren't answering anything I tried to contact you with! You were never in! You left me, B!"
"What about when I was in the hospital?"
"I have severe malnutrition! And where were you?!"
"No one told me, B!"
"Don't call me that! I'm not your B! And your no V to me!" I turn around to the bar. I order a whiskey. Man I need it!
"Well if you don't want me..." I turn around, "then I'm sure you want Jughead!" Everyone in the room turns deadly silent and I freeze.
"Take Jughead back." The sound of his name makes me pierce the scars on my hands and I take the whiskey, the ice clinking against the glass.
"Don't say his name!"
"Don't say Jughead? Betty you love him!"
"I don't love him! I hate him! He broke my rib! He shot my leg! He left me for dead! He waited for other guys to hurt me, just so he could be the hero! I love him? Yeah of course! I love the guy who turned me into this!" I look down at myself. Maybe Chuck was right. Maybe I don't know who I am.
"Please Betty! Just speak to Jugh-"
"I said don't say his same!" I poor the sweet sticky whiskey all over her head. She stands in shock. I smile and throw the glass to the bar, it smashing on the wood. I smirk.
"Your right! You don't love Jughead! You don't deserve him! He's in Heartache! Heartache over his Juliet!" She turns around and takes Archie's hand. "Let's go!" She whispers and they both leave.
"Sorry about that guys," I apologise as soon as they leave, "drinks on Reggie!" Everyone's neck twists to my babe, sitting and the bar.
"Okayyyyyyyyyyy!" He extends his words. I smile and he smiles at me. Maybe Veronica's right. I don't deserve Jughead! I deserve a better man. A man like Reggie.

"But!" Veronica bursts her head through the door, "Jugheads on his way!" She shows the bar her phone and text messages, reading as Jughead is on his was to the bar with Toni.
"Are you kidding me Veronica?"
"Sorry B! I save relationships that I can. Unlike ours." She smiles and heads back out of the door. I walk straight to the bathroom and lock myself in a cubicle. I lean against the wall and hit my head against it. Dammit V!

J U G H E A D  J O N E S

I catch a ride with Toni to the bar. Ronnie texted me, saying the other gang wanted to see me. To speak to me. Yeah right! We're loaded with guns and bullets. They wanna speak to me. By putting a bullet straight through my head. I have to go anyway. I don't know what they've done or are doing to Ronnie and Archie. I know I kicked off at them but they're still my best friends. I'm not gonna let a little North-Side gang hurt them.

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