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jennie's mom: baby this is your first day of school are you excited?

jennie: yess jennie is really excited for this mom

j's mom:ok lets go to your class.

jennie directly run towards somebody unknown that is crying,she directly squad down and look up to be able to see his face

jennie:why are you crying?

boy: because my mom left already

jennie:what is your name?do you want me to company you?

boy:my name is Park ji hoon,ok

jennie:ok ji hoon

ji hoon:what's your name?

jennie:oh, my name is jennie

ji hoon: how old are you?

jennie: i just turned 6 last 29 may

ji hoon: really? me too

jennie:your birthday is in 29 may as well?

ji hoon: yes

ji hoon stopped crying when jennie and ji hoon is trying to know each other well,another boy came towards ji hoon and jennie trying to get along to

boy:hello my name is ong sung woo

ji hoon&jennie: hi ong sung woo

jennie:it must been weird since the first day of school

jennie's mom still stood up infront of the classroom while smilling staring at jennie getting along with the other students and decided to leave.

ji hoon: I thought that nobody will not be my friend because I'm such a crybaby

sung woo:dont say that, someone cry because they have a reason right?

jennie:yup sung woo

jennie: yaa! the teacher's coming,let's sit together

ji hoon&seong woo:sure, no problem

the teacher came saying hello to us and more of the greeting and she asked us to introduce our self infront of the class

teacher: Ji hoon come on go forward to introduce yourself

jennie POV

I think he's nervous I really wish that he will not cry, if he cries I really need to help him do it or else he will embarase himself to the whole class.

ji hoon: mhmm...hi m..my... n..na..me....i..is.....p...p..park........j..j...ji......h..hoon...*starts to cry*

jennie: oh no, he started to cry

jennie go front to help ji hoon

jennie: hi class his name is park ji Hoon, he is 6 years old his birthday is in 29 may

teacher:since your infront why don't you introduce yourself to

jennie:*puts her arm around ji hoon's shoulder* hello everybody my name is jennie i'm 6 years old and my birthday is in 25 may

teacher:next is ong sung woo

ong sung woo: hello my name is ong sung woo and i'm 6 years old and my birthday is in 25 august

teacher: ok i think that's the last student*after alot of students come forward* you may have your recess now

jennie: Ji hoon,Sung woo!! Here

jennie:so what do you guys bring for recess?

sung woo: I bring fruits

ji hoon: i didn't bring anything for recess and i'm hungry :(

jennie: i brought a lot of breads just in case i'm hungry but your hungry and i think this is too much for me do you want some? it has nutella in it

ji hoon:Are you sure?will your mom get mad?will you get hungry?how if your hungry?are you sure i can eat this?

jennie: you've got a lot of question to ask hah?*puts bread inside ji hoon's mouth*

sung woo:hahahahahahahahahaha

ji hoon: mhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhm *talks while the bread is inside his mouth*

sung woo: yaaaaa finish the bread first we cannot here what you're saying

jennie: hahahahahahahahaha

sung woo: yaaaaaa!!!! eat faster soon the time will finish and we need to go back to our class

as soon as jennie,sung woo,ji hoon finished their recess they went upstairs to their class

Ji hoon's POV

*daydreams* God thanks for giving me these kind of friends i wish that they will be with me forever and jennie i like her enthusiasm and she even helped me with introducing myself infront of me and sung woo heis a funny guys he likes to make us laugh in anykind of way

sung woo:*does the front clap* yaaaaaa! what are you thinking about?

jennie:hahahahahahahah,still hungry?I still got some bread if you want.

ji hoon: I'm just thinking of something hehehehe

unconditional love || park jihoon FFWhere stories live. Discover now