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jennie's POV

i felt someone's hand taking my hair and putting it back, I felt something small and cold around my neck. I turn my head back to see who's behind me until I see jihoon, putting a necklace around my neck. From this i knew that my jihoon is back tears falls to my cheek and I directly hug him tight not letting him to go. " you...you're back..." I cried while sobbing.  "i...i'm sorry..." jihoon whisper softly to my ears. " for what?, will you change? will you ever do that again?" i said  like a rapping star. "right i forgot that you don't believe and hard to forgive unless those people answer your question and you will agree on it."as he puts his pointer in my lips  "hehehe..." i chuckled softly. "I'm sorry, because I betrayed you after what you've done to me, and betray you infront of you. I promise I will change. And I will try my best to not do that again" he smiled "I don't accept your apology PARK.JI.HOON" i said as igo back to my sit and place my crossed arms in my desk and let my head rest on it. "hah..." i sighed "YAAA!!! why won't you forgive me?!?!" he raised his voice. "you want me to forgive you when you're not even sure that you will change or do it again and after you raised your voice? what are you?  I should've rejected you like other boys that confessed to me there were tons who confessed to me yet i accepted you to be my boyfriend, one of my biggest regret!." I shouted and get up to go to the restroom but jihoon pulled my wrist. " i'm sorry, because I betrayed you, i raised my voice. i'm sorry for talking about bad things infront of you, i will never do that again and i will change." he said fastly while holding my wrist. "ok, i forgive you" that's all i can say for now but it makes him smile like a 5 year old kid who got his long wanted toy. 

as soon as the class started i got a phone call, i excuse my self to receive the call 

unknown: hello, is this jennie?

me; yes i'm jennie where is this from?

unknown: hello we are from the sungkang hospital and your parents just got into a car crashed and seems like they could not be safe.

i heard the what the hospital representative and directly dropped to the floor and crumble down, it make a loud bang until jihoon came out asking me what happen, i hugged him tight while crying on his chest, he caressed my hair slowly and pat my back. " the hospital calle dme and they said that my parents...my parents" I directly cried "they could not be safe after the car crash" I cried louder. i quickly take my bag and my stuff and directly run to the hospital, since it's near to where i study, jihoon wanted to join but i asked him to stay because, I don't want him to worry about me. I need to cross the road, it;s a red light for the cars so i ran, but this car, the car didn't stop, instead of me running i stayed there looking at the car,  i got crashed with a loud bang, i bounce and went up to the car until the car glass broke and go down back to the road, I feel weak and suddenly everything started to go blank and I saw audrey with a big smirk, I hold my necklace that jihoon gave me" ji...jihoon...ahh..." I said as everything turns completely black.

jihoon's POV

I heard a loud bang outside i directly run outside when I saw jennie crumble down the floor staring blankly until her tears falls one by one, i hugged her to my chest as i caressed her hair slowly and pat her back letting her cry in my chest. She went to the class to take her things and run to the hospital, she asked me not to go with her but i felt something is weird i don't really feel good. 

audrey's POV

"good job" I gave him the money because he crashed jennie, now jihoon is only mine. what a pity life she have but oh well.

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