chapter 35

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'Um forget what I was saying why were you crying' she asked

'What you mean why was I crying i walked into that room I saw luke was cuffed with that bitch on his lap kissing him and he has scratches and whip marks on his back even words can't explain how bad I felt right there Lucy' i said and kicked the chair and sat on the counter

'Anyway can you help make dessert we are making chocolate cake' she said changing the subject and i sighed and laughed

'Uh are we gonna use vanilla flakes' i said and she pulled them out

'Just at the top' she said

Just then the oven dinged

'I'm getting dinner you are in charge of dessert I'm making Lasagne' she said and i started getting the chocolate cake bake ready and when the cake was in the oven i got all the toppings and frosting ready since its better then icing and no one would be getting diabetes

'So where's chanel Chad and clarie' she asked

'In the dungeon starving and probably screaming for help but it's sound proof and i made sure no one but us can go and not even jack' i said and she nodded

'How did jack even get at the house' she asked

'He was in the back of someone's car and I saw him fighting I mean he's got mad skills and if you train him he can damn well kick some ass and not be a cocky Jerk' i said

'Why don't you train him and troy guns knives Everything you know even karate' Lucy said

'Yeah i am i even taught him the dragon kick the one I did on clarie yesterday he learnt it in seconds i mean he can learn everything I do in a few weeks like he has potential and he's determined and he's also gonna be the leader of the gang after luke' i said

'But isn't the gang gonna go to your kids' Lucy said

'Wait what i thought it was the family and it would go to jacks kids' i said

'No it actually goes to whoever you wanna pass it too and I think luke will pass it to his kids and not jack' Lucy said

'I dont want the gang i just want to learn everything' i heard jack and i jumped

'Yeah i will teach you and troy make you both spies' i said

'Good because I entered for the CIA' he said

'Ok well good luck kid' i said thinking he was joking

'You know he's not joking' Lucy said

'Oh shit' i said

'Oh well Kevin owns half the police department they won't do shit' Lucy said and the oven dinged and i got out the cake and started decorating

'AND VOILA' i said ⬇⬇⬇

'AND VOILA' i said ⬇⬇⬇

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'Ok wow' she said

'Anyway can you go get luke and Kevin they are probably in his office and you know where that is' she said and i took off my apron and i walked upstairs

'I mean we want to take things slow like I'm going to be the leader after and i just started dating her and she was even crying like she's the only one that made me feel like a different person like I would but that's going to  have to happpen a bit later in our relationship but I know she's the one dad' i heard luke

Ok wow.......

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