New Home

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Oceania looked up at Hatia confussed, "I am home. This has been my home all my life!"
Before Hatia could even speak otuna spoke up "Well yes this is your home but, well at some point your going to have to move there. Before you even ask why there is a reason why you spent weekends with me."
"But I don't want to go everything I know is here."
"I get that but even if I have to drag you kicking and screaming I will, and I wont care. They will want you there soon. As soon as tommrow maybe." Hatia spoke again.
"I wont go!!" Oceania stormed off and went to her room. Otuna knocked on her door "can I come in?" It was quite.
"Come in."
Otuna walked in and sat on the bed.

" No I'm not going to ask if your ok because I know your not and you know how she gets"

"I don't care she didn't need to say it like that. I know I have to go but I don't want to think about it."

Meanwhile in Fairshadow oaldir and ohena Oceania's parents were talking with the other Gods and goddesses.

"The only way we can protect her is having her here."

"But you know when you were taken from your parents how they felt." Ohena said
"Then we are coming back here and we want a room by her." Oaldir said right after.

" that's not going to happen and you know that. She need to make her own choices and become who she wants."

Ohena almost broke down knowing that the others were right but she wanted to be close to her daughter. She knew what was going to happen.

"Lets go honey,let's go get her ready." Oaldir said. But as they were getting ready to leave they saw their daughter and her really close friends. "What are they doing here?"

"They talked me into coming, they told me that I was going to have to move here so why not just come here and hear it for myself." Oceania said to her parents.

Before anyone could talk Zatia walks straight to Oceania "Yes my child it's true. Starting tommrow you will be living here."

Oceania took a deep breath before she said anything "And what if I don't want to. What if I want to stay with my parents?"

"Well here's the thing you can't they could try and make you into what they want to and we can't have that" zatia say

Oceania begins to get mad. Her parents didn't effect how she was and she wasn't going to let anyone do that now "though you say that I would let my parents decided how my life goes that's not true I would never in the love of the gods let them now, so why would I let you guys."
Zatia was about to snap when Oros walks up to her "First of all let me say this don't talk to her like that second let me say they..." he turns and points at everyone but himself and her two close friends "Have been around longer then we have and they know what could happened if things go wrong if parents teach us..."

Oceania cut him off "I didn't ask for this I don't want to be goddess I don't know what I even cover and from what I understand they don't either and you don't look much older then me so you probably don't know what you are either so shut up!"


Oceania stop well actually everyone stopped no-one has heard him yell ever. Oceania looks down"I'm sorry. If everyone including you and mom think it's for the best then I'll go get my stuff and be back."

Oceania looked at everyone and everyone shook they're heads and she knew what she had to do."Alright I will be back, though I don't want to I will be back."

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