Jonah | joxahmaxais

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Taylor's POV

"Agh," my alarm wakes me up just in time for the sunrise. I check my socials quickly, then get dressed and leave for the beach. I just love how the sunrise looks when you sit on the beach.

I go over as fast as I can. It's a 10 minute drive from my house. On my way I sing along to my favorite songs from my Spotify playlist.

I arrive to find that the area of the beach I'm at has no one else there. Peace. Freedom. Beautiful nature.

I begin to wait for the sunrise as I seemed to be too early. I try to come see the sunrise and sunset whenever I can. It's so relaxing and the perfect way to start and end the day. Feeling free.

All of a sudden, I hear a couple engines come to the parking by the beach. One of them is a van filled with 5 boys, the other was a vintage looking car. I was super confused since I tend to come here quite often and this never happens.

I sat on the beach as they all got out and the five boys were posing for pictures that someone else was taking of them in front of the sunrise and the ocean, which the light of the sunrise reflected. I don't blame them, it's beautiful.

I just sit there for what seems like hours, except it was only 30 minutes. The boys take a break as the photographer is looking for different equipment.

Suddenly one of the boys comes over to me. He's got messy-ish dark brown hair, brown eyes that are perfectly complimented by the sunrise, and a cute, genuine smile.

"I hope you don't mind our noisy photo shoot, if you'd like to be alone we could proba-," I cut him off. "No, of course, do what you need to do. But, if you don't mind me asking, what are all of you doing at the beach at 6am doing a photo shoot?"

He sits down since they're taking a break from taking photos, as I can tell. He explains to me that he's in a band and that it was their photographer, August's idea to do the shoot, here and now.

I smile as I can tell he's very happy and his band means a lot to him. I ask him for the band's name so I can check them out. We end up talking for a while, about each of our lives and we get to know one another better.

When we finish talking, we follow each other on our socials, and I follow the band's socials as well. We decide to get up, as I was about to leave while he took some more photos.

We both stand up and wipe the sand off of our bums. All of a sudden, he looks like a giant. I feel tiny next to him, but I don't mind. "Wow, we've got quite a lot of difference here," I say and we start to laugh. "Yeah I suppose we do," Jonah replies as we giggle. I start to walk away as I should probably get back to my house.

"Taylor!," I hear and suddenly turn around. "I was wondering if I could have your number. This was really fun and I would like it if we could do this again. If you're okay with that, of course.," Jonah adds and I smile at how sweet he is.

Immediately, I take out a slip of paper and a pen. I write my phone number on it and pass it to him with a smile and a slight giggle. We hug and I go back to my house, feeling so much happier than I have been for quite a while. I lay on my bed as my phone buzzes.

'Hey, I had an amazing time this morning. If it's not too soon, would you like to go out with me? We could maybe watch the sunset tonight?? - Jonah'  I read the text and immediately replied.

'I'd love to! See you then!'  I smile. "This guy is really special"

So this is an imagine for @joxahmaxais ! I really hope it's what you wanted! Hope you enjoy! <3

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