A Cursed Life

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Prologue- A Cursed Life

Literature is the immortality of speech

 Life, a word we take for granted. It’s a beginning and an ending that so many people wish to avoid. Me on the other hand, well… I would love to die one day.

You’re probably thinking this is a story full of sorrow and despair; well you’re wrong there. This is a story of a life. My life to be exact, and who may I be? My name is Lissy. I don’t actually know my real name. Lissy is all I remember.

On the 5th of April 1910 I was found on the outskirts of London. I’ve been told I was attacked and left to die, but someone found me and brought me to a doctor. I woke up ten days later, not knowing who or where I was. I was left with one thing: a name. The doctor was amazed that I survived. He said it was a miracle. For some reason though it just wasn’t right. It wasn’t natural.           

I’m blessed, as some people could call it, with a ‘gift’. Some would call it eternal life or immortality, but calling it that makes it so much more real. I guess I could call it not dying syndrome- or the ability-to-keep-breathing-after-more-than-a-century. Then again, I technically don’t know how old I am. I could be ancient, for all I know! Like, really ancient. Older than your great, great, great grandmother!

Okay, now I’m just making myself depressed. If you count from the day I woke up to now I would be 102. Yeah, even that’s pretty depressing.

Of course, there just has to be a bad side to my syndrome. I mean, it’s not like watching everyone you love die and grow old isn’t bad enough. They just had to throw in another awesome thing to make me abnormal.

Everywhere I go, destruction follows.

If I stay in one place for more than two years the place will be cursed till I leave. One day when I was in Gansu in China there was a horrible earthquake. 200,000 people died and it’s because of me.

The day I awoke a doctor came to check on me he brushed up against my hand. It was all it took. He was on the ground in seconds, cold, and lifeless. Anyone I touch dies. I think it might be because I take their years of life to feed my own immortality or something. That’s just a guess.

I used to have a friend named Rose. She was super nice and super pretty- like, blonde hair blue eyes pretty. And she was the most gentle, loving person I knew. Yet, she couldn’t be friends with me without something horrible happening. She found me having an emotional breakdown in my lounge room (as you do when you have a curse as bad as mine). One hug was all it took. Next thing I know she was lying on my carpet, her eyes devoid of emotion. Nowadays I compare her to those people who die on Harry Potter. Yeah, It’s pretty similar. I just don’t have to say ‘Avada Kedavra!’

At first life was simple I would go out partying, get drunk I could even mess around with the men if I was careful enough. Slowly the wild in me died down, I’m still a little crazy but who could blame me I’ve had a troubled life. Now all is left is an average teenage girl. Well not everyone calls me ‘average’ though the boys at my old school in England thought I was the best looking girl in school, although sadly I couldn’t let any of them in. I’m a relativity tall girl, with dark brown hair, which goes down to about my mid-back. My eyes a bright green and doe like. I’ve heard all the phrases and pick-up lines in book, seriously I wish they would just write a new one it gets old after 100 years!

So there you have it I’m a girl who can't remember her life before she woke up. I’m a girl only with a name and a curse. I am Lissy.

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