Part 11-30

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*Justin’s POV*

The other night, after picking up Selena she just couldn’t sleep. That whole night I had to watch the girl I love cry her beautiful eyes out because her family didn’t love her and it


me. I held her in my arms but I knew that’s wasn’t enough to comfort her, I was scared to leave her alone because she had harmed herself before and I didn’t want it to happen again. The past few days I’ve tried cheering her up but she’s happy for about 2.5 seconds and then she goes back to acting all depressed, I absolutely hated seeing her like this and knowing that I couldn’t do anything made it worst. She was set in my arms pefectly now and she was finally getting some sleep but now I couldn’t sleep. Selena started stirring in her sleep and soon she was moving around screaming “I can’t take it anymore, I’m done!” I shook her, trying to wake her up, “Selena, babe what’s wrong? Selena, wake up!” After what seemed like a lifetime of panicking, I finally got her to wake up. “Selena, what’s wrong?” I asked her worry lacing through each word that I spoke. She just let it all out, “don’t you get it Justin?! My whole life is wrong! I just want to fuckin’ end it, everything I do is never good enough for anyone and don’t you dare tell me you love me ‘cause I know no one does and know one ever will!” She got out of my bed that we were sharing and she stomped towards the bathroom that connected to my room and she slammed the door behind me. I sighed, she better not do anything bad in that bathroom, she may not know this but I


her in my life. I started banging on the door begging her to let me in but she didn’t respond, I was worried and I needed to get in there. “Don’t come in!” She yelled and you could hear her sobs. I needed to get in there before all I could see was a bloody mess and a scene that I would never forget. I kept banging on the door until my mom got woken up and she came into my room, “what’s going on?” She had a confused expression written all over her face and I sighed, telling her everything that happened. She got worried, pushing me aside and pulling out one of her bobby pins to unlock the door, “don’t come in!” Selena yelled once again but I rushed over to the corner of the bathroom where she had her head buried into her hands and the bloody razor layed on the floor to the side of her. My mom waited outside of the bathroom giving Selena and I some space. “Why?” Is all that could come out of my mouth and she looked at me, her big brown and now puffy eyes stared at me. “Why do you feel like you have to do this?

I love you, Selena

and that will


 change. Please just stop with all of this,” I cupped her face and we just communicated through our eyes. My mom knocked softly on the door, “Justin could I please have a moment with Sel?


?” I nodded and stepped out of the bathroom and my mom stepped in, closing the door behind me.

*Selena’s POV*

“Look Selena, I know it’s hard, this world can be so cruel. I tried ending my life when I was around your age and I’m still here, with a crazy talented kid and his amazing girlfriend. These teenage years are either going to be the best or worst years of a girl’s life. Try to make them the best. You’re young, go out and act crazy live your life to the fullest you could never get these years back. Don’t let people get to your head, one day you’re gonna get married, have kids, get a job, and kind who you are. But you will


get your teenage years back. Thank God we got in here before it was too late. And please stop the self harm because you will have those scars on your body forever and you will

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