16. promise

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malia started out with the worst excuse in the world. but in this case, it wasn't an excuse. "it's not what it looks like." she defended.

scott ignored her. with the angriest look on his face, he stepped past her and punched theo right in the jaw, and hit part of his nose. it all happened so quickly and suddenly. malia had no time to stop it.

theo's nose was bleeding, and he stumbled back and hit the wall. he would've fallen if it weren't for the wall. theo didn't punch back, which malia thought was a pretty smart move, considering how hard scott had just punched him. (very hard, in case you were wondering.)

then malia realized why he didn't fight back. coach finstock was right behind scott, walking towards them with his arms crossed. "mccall. my office."

scott sighed. he looked at malia for a few moments, and then turned around. he followed coach down the hall.

"well, he was obviously jealous." theo laughed, trying to wipe the blood off his face, only to smear it.

malia gave him a 'duh' look before flipping him off and walking away.

the day was spent of malia attempting to talk to scott, only to be interrupted by the bell. and in the classes the had together, she tried to talk to him but the teachers always interrupted her. scott didn't seem like he cared about malia's explanation.

so malia was waiting for him after his lacrosse practice. she had stayed an extra hour after school, because she didn't know if scott would let her in his house later. she was standing in the parking lot, leaned up against her car.

she saw scott walk out of the building. she began running towards him, and as she got closer, she noticed how exhausted he looked.

he saw malia her and stopped walking, waiting for her to reach him.

"scott." malia said once she got to him. "let me explain what happened."

"okay." he said, but he sounded impatient.

"first of all, i'm really, really sorry for ignoring you. it was stupid of me, and i regret it a lot. second of all, the closet thing was not at all what it looked like. he literally pulled me in there and he wouldn't let me out. he tried to seduce me or something and he messed up my hair and called it pretty. and that was really creepy, now that i think about it." malia inhaled deeply after her rambling, trying to catch her breath.

after a few moments, scott slowly smiled. "promise?"

malia nodded. "promise."

scott grinned like it was the best news he'd ever heard. then his face changed. "wait, he locked you in a closet?"

malia laughed. she reached out and grabbed his hand. they held hands for a while without speaking. just staring at each other.

"i got to go." she smiled, beginning to walk backwards.

scott said, "bye." and he watched her go.

and he couldn't stop smiling.


I gave you guys some Scalia. Worship me!

Today in class we were watching this thing called Channel One News. It's usually crap, but today was the best episode I've ever seen. Wanna know why? TYLER POSEY WAS ON IT. I jumped in my seat when I saw him, everyone in my class looked at me, and even though he was only on it for like five seconds, I started CRYING. I literally shed a tear. And then I cried in a completely different period again I was so happy. It made my day so much better. I've decided he's my favorite person on Earth. It was about how the VMA's started doing "artist of the year" instead of "female artist of the year" and "male artist of the year". He's so sweet I cANNOT.

But at the same time I'm kind of mad at him, because he has new girlfriend wHO ISN'T SHELLEY. I'm so ashamed. wHaT hApPeNeD tO hEr BeInG tHe BeSt ThInG tO EvEr HaPpEn To ThIs EaRtH, TyLeR?

I know he deserves to be happy bUT BE HAPPY WITH SHELLEY, TYLER.


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