Chapter 1

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I walked into the local café I always go to before work to start my day. I noticed the people I was looking for in the corner. "Hello Jacobs, Mike" "Hey Chloe" Mike said. I sat down next to him. Mike Banning, one of the toughest men I've ever known, used to work as an agent, as did I, for the President of the United States. He was let go so I requested to be let go with him. Lynne Jacobs, Secret Service Director, another close friend I used to work with. 

"How was your 4th of July Banning?"

"I stayed home" 

"What about you Chloe?"

"I got wasted" I said grinning.

"Same old Chloe" Lynne said chuckling

I stood up to go get a coffee. I turned around while waiting and seen White House workers come in. Some were in line behind me and others were talking to Mike and Lynne. I finally ordered my coffee and waited. 

"You're total is $3.50"

I paid for my coffee and walked back to Lynne and Mike sitting down. The workers left and Jacobs stood up. 


"I'll be in touch. Bye Chloe"

"Bye Jacobs!"

"Do you need a ride to work?"

"Yes please because I walked here."

We finished our coffee and walked out the door to the car. Mike opened my door for me. 

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome"

I buckled my seatbelt as he got into the car. I sat there for a minute with my eyes shut. All of the flashbacks came back to haunt me. I couldn't move or speak for a minute. 

"Chloe?! Are you okay?"

"The flashbacks are haunting me"

I was pulled into a hug and I felt him running his fingers through my hair. 

"I'm fine now"

Mike pulled away and smiled as he started the car. After 5 minutes we made it to work. Another 3 minutes and we were in our office. Our desks were right next to each other so we could talk as we worked. I noticed Mike looked distracted. 


"Yeah. I should've saved her"

"Mike you tried. The door was stuck and her seatbelt was stuck. The president had to be saved"

"Yeah. You're right"

I smiled hugging him. We began working and apparently became so engrossed in our work because hours had past by. I finally finished and sat next to Mike. I glanced out at the window.


There was a huge plane flying by the window causing vibrations throughout the office making it shake. 


We both took off out the office down the stairs making it outside. The plane was shooting at everyone in its way. Mike and I ran yelling at everybody to get down. I tackled a guy keeping him from getting shot. A few feet from me Mike was by a car with two women keeping them down. We took off running towards the White House noticing so many bodies laying everywhere. We jumped as a bus blew up near us. 

"Hey!!! Hey!! Get the fuck down!" Mike screamed at a few guys ahead of us. We drew our guns shooting a few of the men. The one we missed pulled a string on his backpack and I instantly shot him making him blow up. Banning and I were thrown a few feet back. My ears were ringing. I felt arms wrap around me pulling me up.

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