Chapter 2

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"Yes the President's in the bunker. He's being held hostage. " Jacobs finally answered back.

"What do they want?" I asked.

"That's what we're trying to find out."

"Who's in charge?" Mike asked.

"Trumball. Are there any survivors with you?" The man answered.

"Negative, sir. It's just me and Chloe. They wiped us out." Mike stated as he stood up placing a gun in the back of his pants and handing me another handgun. 

"They have commandos roaming the hallways with enough explosives to take out an army. Looks like the doors and windows are rigged with C-4 explosives. Who knows what other tricks they have up their sleeves?" 

I watched Mike open up the President's laptop and begin erasing all of the files off of it as a precaution. 

"Any team that will be coming in is gonna be ringing the front doorbell pretty loud. They managed to shut the power down and turn the lights off. I'm also guessing the closed the air vents. We killed surveillance but we aren't sure how long it will remain down. Where's Conner?" I asked. 

"We have no status of his location, but we believe he is still inside somewhere." Jacobs answered. 

"They're looking for him. One of the men had a picture of him in his back pocket. Sir, we're here so use us."

"Okay, Banning and Chloe. Sit tight and we will get back to you soon." Jacobs said before it went silent. 

I noticed Mike looking at all of the photos of President Asher and his wife and Conner. He sighed. I grabbed him and hugged him tightly. 

"Mike, you did everything you could. Nobody blames you because the main focus was the President. You tried to save her and it's the thought that counts." I never blamed him because I was right beside him trying to help pull President Asher's wife out of the car before it fell over the ledge. I placed my hands on his cheeks and forced him to look me in the eyes. Before I had time to process it, his lips were on mine. It was short but passionate. 

"We're going to make it out of this alive and save the President. And I'm going to take you out on a date."

"One thing at a time Banning. But yes you will take me out."

We smiled at one another as he shut the laptop after erasing all of the files that were on there. We stepped to the side and Mike removed the blue tooth from his ear after we heard the door open. A man in a black mask came in facing straight ahead of him, not paying attention. I lifted my foot and kicked a chair into him quickly grabbing his gun and using the butt of it to hit the side of his head. Mike flipped him over and the guy rolled back onto his knees and reached for the handgun he had strapped to his thigh. Mike quickly grabbing both of the man's hands knocking the gun out of them. Mike then hit him in the gut twice as I ran at him and tackled him to the floor. The man threw me off and stood up and I did the same. Mike went at him and started punching him but the man started punching back. The guy went to kick Mike but instead Mike grabbed his leg and twisted it causing him and the man to spin and the man was knocked onto the ground. While the man was still down, I grabbed the statue head of Lincoln, raising it above my head, and quickly and heavily smashed it onto the guys head. I watched as blood started coming out of the huge gash in the mans head. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2019 ⏰

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