15 - The Cave

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*This chapter will not be in the point of view of Taylor*

After killing a small group of middle age campers Jeff the Killer was walking back to the house still annoyed because he was not allowed to kill that stupid faggot of a guy. "Stupid Slenderman, always ruins all the fucking fun. He's such a buzz kill." Jeff muttered starting to walk faster out of anger, ahead of him Jeff saw a frozen river and glared at the ice, he hated winter, everything was frozen to the core making it useless; he couldn't even have a drink of water now for Christ's sake. Jeff knew about the many drowning at this river and it always made him smile, death always made him smile. He trudged through the snow and saw someone up ahead, it looked like Slenderman and that girl, so without realising he hid behind a tree, "What are they doing here?" Jeff muttered to himself.

Slenderman pointed to the frozen waterfall and the stupid human girl said something to him before she grabbed on to his arm and together they teleported elsewhere. Jeff sighed and continued walking towards the waterfall ahead of him, once he had reached it he had a look at it, he didn't see anything special about it; it was just a frozen waterfall. Jeff went to walk away but heard a voice; he strained his ears to hear.

"You should leave because I'm going to get naked." The human girl's voice said sounding a bit annoyed, as Jeff heard the word naked he basically had his ear pressed against the ice of the frozen waterfall, Jeff didn't heard a reply so the girl must have been talking to Slenderman.

"Leave!" she yelled and Jeff chuckled, and started searching around for some way to enter to where she was. Jeff looked around and remember that when Slenderman and the girl had been talking they had been on the rocks where Jeff as standing on the frozen river itself, he circled back around and climbed up the rocks, he could hear the girl's voice easier now so there must be a way through or something, but much to Jeff annoyance there was no entrance but a small gap leading to what he guess was where the girl was. He glared at the ice hating winter even more than ever, he was being cock blocked by winter. He punched the ice out of anger.


Jeff looked at the ice in surprise and then grinned, he punched the ice multiple times causing small cracks in the ice after a few hard punches the ice was pretty unstable and Jeff's fists were bleeding due to being smashed into the hard cold ice. He wiped his knuckles on his already bloodied hoody and took out his knife.

Masky and Hoodie made their way through the thick snow,

"Remind me again why we didn't just stay home?" Masky asked exhausted Hoodie stopped walking and stared at Masky with angry eyes,

"I don't think you understand that we are what is called a killer and what is needed to be a killer is to kill." He began walking again

"You never worried about it before, what's so different now?" Masky asked trailing behind his best friend, Hoodie stopped once again only to turn and glare at Masky.

"Jesus Christ, what's your problem lately? You've been acting like a complete jackass for a while now?" Masky demanded starting to get angry too, he thought for a second and his eyes widened behind his mask, "You've been like this since the time with that girl! What? Go you like her or something?" Masky exclaimed and Hoodie lost it.

He grabbed his best friend by the collar of his orange jacket bringing their faces close. "You listen to me right now, I could never be infatuated with that human girl like everyone else is, do you know why?" Hoodie hissed

Masky shook his head, "Because I hate her, she's a disgusting human, and she came out of nowhere just to stick to the Boss like glue and walking around like she owns the place. Nothing, nothing, would give me the greatest pleasure like killing that girl."  Masky nodded, he knew there was nothing to be done when Hoodie hated someone this much, he just had to hope and pray that he wouldn't lose himself in rage and kill Taylor, because Slenderman would be pissed and possibly kill Hoodie.

Masky and Hoodie arrived back at the house to find it empty apart from a very annoyed elf like boy.

"Where's the Boss?" Hoodie asked crossing his arms, BEN who was sitting on the ratty couch turned and glared at them,

"He's still with Taylor."

"Taylor? You mean the human girl?" Masky asked tilting his head, BEN glared him

"Yes, the human girl, Taylor." He growled, Masky raised his hands in defence

"Why is he with her?" Hoodie asked uncrossing his arms only to rest his hands on is hips.

"How would I know?" BEN snapped he was still angry at Slenderman for sending him away when he was talking to Taylor, Stupid Taylor, there's no way she could have a boyfriend, not anymore; after all she belonged to us now, not the humans.

"I'm going to look for the Boss." Hoodie turned walking back out the door,

"Wait, Hoodie!" Masky hurried after him,

"Don't leave me behind!" BEN growled standing up and running after the two boys.

Soon the three boys came across Jeff who was still trying to break the ice to get to Taylor, his fists were bleeding so such now it was leaving bloodied streaks on the ice he was punching.

"What the hell is he doing?" Masky murmured to Hoodie and BEN, they both shrugged and made their way to where Jeff was on the rocks, they saw that Jeff had actually discovered a gap behind the ice, like a cave or something.

"Jeff. What are you doing?" Hoodie interrupted him he turned to them; he was breathing pretty heavy, his breaths making clouds of white in the cold air.

"I'm trying to get to Slenderman and the human girl." He said briskly not telling them that he was actually trying to break the ice so he could see Taylor naked and possibly attack her.

Hoodie asked no more questions only picking up a rock and started bashing the ice like Jeff was doing a minute earlier, Jeff looked at him shocked and then grinned, with Hoodie helping him he could be able to get to the girl a lot faster. Soon BEN started helping to, the ice cracked and fell, they had almost made a big enough gap for someone to fit through.

Jeff gave the ice one huge powerful punch and the rest of it fell away leaving a clear gap into a cave. Jeff grinned at everyone and wasted no time climbing in. Hoodie and BEN soon followed. Masky looked at the entrance unsure, he had a feeling that they weren't meant to be there; he bit his lip before reluctantly following his comrades through the hole.     

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