22- True Horror

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I stared at him in horror,

“Hello? Miss Morgan? Are you still there? Hello? Please talk to me.” The voice of the operator echoed in my ear but I was unable to reply to her,

“You.” I whispered, Eyeless Jack was standing in front of me, he wasn’t wearing his mask, his monstrous face in display, in the shadows of the street lights it looked even more frightening , his black empty sunken excuse for eyes and his jagged pointed sharp teeth stained with blood, he grinned, “Yes, me.”

“Miss Morgan? Is someone there with you?” the operator’s voice was becoming strained, but once again I couldn’t answer her,

“W-why?” I stuttered out, I dropped the phone from my ear, I was cornered, I tried to look around for an escape route but it was no use, Eyeless Jack would catch me and kill me just like he said he would, I let the phone fall and sighed.

“Oh don’t give up just yet, that’s no fun!” he said cruelly, “You wanted to know why, right? I’ll tell you, when you were running away I realised something, that if you were actually Slender being, you wouldn’t have run, you would have teleported away.” He smugly crossed his arms and looked at me with a cocky grin on his face,

“Did you ever think that the slender being wasn’t used to using a human body?”

“That’s what everyone else thought, but the way you were running was so scared, to frantic, a slender being is sure of themselves, they are so powerful they don’t have anything to be afraid off.”  Eyeless Jack grinned at me as he stepped towards me, I tried to back further into the phone booth but it was impossible to go any further, he grabbed my wrist and yanked me out of the safety of it, he pulled me roughly and I fell into the snow nearby, I tried to scramble to my feet but soaked shoes had make my feet numb making it almost impossible to escape from him. He laughed at me coldly, enjoying my struggling, he watched my fear, tears were starting to roll down my face and he stopped laughing and staring at me with a confused expression, I looked up at him still trying to stand, finally managing it.

“What?” he stepped closer and I stepped back instantly, my feet still unstable, I started to fall before he grabbed my elbow keeping me upright, he grabbed my face with his spare hand, I tried to twist away in a panic but he held tight, he rubbed his thumb under my eye and then allowed me to drop to the ground, on his thumb was a dark substance, he rubbed between his thumb and forefinger, he frowned at it and turned to face me,

“So you’re not completely human huh?” his face lit up like a child on Christmas morning, he now looked more eager than before, he grabbed one of his black gloves that covers his hands, he lifted them off carefully to reveal his hands, and his claws, they were short, not much longer than normal, but they were pointed and thick with a yellow tinge to them, like some sort of wild animal but then again Eyeless Jack basically could be classified as an animal, but I think monster suits him better.  He looked at me and smiled,

“You should probably struggle, it makes it hurt more.” He ripped my jacket open and torn down my shirt and singlet with his claws, my heart sped up faster, it was going to burst out of my chest soon if I didn’t do something, I wanted nothing more than to struggle away but Eyeless Jack’s words had frozen my body making me stiff as a board, I could do nothing but watch, tears and snot dripping down my face, my body was sweating and every hair as on end, I couldn’t even feel any cold at all now.

I watched wide eyed as Eyeless Jack raised up his right hand, keeping his fingers together to make a sharp object and he brought it down at an inhuman speed,

A blood curdling scream left my lips as Eyeless Jack’s claws buried themselves deep inside my flesh under my rib cage, Eyeless Jack fiercely twisted his fingers back and forth making the hole bigger, I screamed, followed by a large amount of blood which poured from my mouth, I could feel my flesh ripping and tearing as he made his way towards my intestines, he grinned merciless as he forced his entire hand into the hole his my chest, grabbing a handful of inside he pulled, blood spattered over his face and clothes but he just licked his lips and continued.

I felt like I should have died by now but for some reason I hadn’t, I prayed for death, for it to release me from the unexplainable pain I was feeling, I watched my eyes wide open as Eyeless Jack tore a bloodied hand of flesh and what I guess to be my intestines, he held them close to my face showing them to me as if he wanted me to marvel in the fact they were my own organs, but trust me I knew, I couldn’t tear my eyes away as he dropped them on the grass next to us, they landed with a sickening wet ‘plop’ noise, tears poured down my cheeks but the torture didn’t stop not for a second, ripping through everything else, Eyeless Jack managed to grab hold of what he guessed to be my kidney  and pulled, I screamed as loud as I could; Frantic thoughts flashed across my mind, why was no body hearing this? Where were the damn police? Weren’t they coming?

 I choked on the blood bubbling in my throat, it spilled out of the corners of my mouth, my eyes blurred with tears as Eyeless Jack fully ripped out my left kidney, blood and stomach acid flew through the air and I could only watch, paralysed, as Eyeless brought my Kidney to his mouth with a gleeful smile, he opened his mouth to take a bite,

“Having fun without us are you Eyeless Jack?” he whipped his head around to face the group of people in the shadows, he hissed, baring his sharp needle-like teeth.

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