Chapter Ten

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I was early at the destination where Chris and I were supposed to meet. It was at this nice quaint coffee shop near the building he was working in. The smell of the coffee beans and cinnamon were the first to hit my nose. Since fall was just around the corner, it made sense for a coffee shop to be drowning in such scents.

I ordered myself a cup of matcha latte, my second favourite drink and made my way to a seat at the very corner of the cafe, just beside a shelf of books. This cafe was great in a sense it had free entertainment in the form of books, a corner for children to draw and colour and also soft classical music for us to relax.

Since I had  some more time to spare, I quickly grabbed a book in hopes to be able to calm my nerves before Chris arrives. The book was a great distraction from my thoughts. Within minutes, I was deeply immersed in the characters and the plot of the story.

I must have been really engrossed in my reading as I didn't even realise the arrival of Christopher. I was brought back to reality by the sound of a throat clearing and my vision was welcomed by a smiling blue eyed man.

" Took you long enough to notice me," teased Chris.

" Sorry, I didn't hear you coming in," I blushed feeling embarrassed for my oblivion and putting the book down immediately. A lazy smile was etched on his face. He didn't seem at all affected by my actions, in fact he seemed more amused if anything.

" Ah I don't mind, a girl who loves reading is always more attractive," grinned Chris.

There he goes again with making my heart flutter uncontrollably again. Brushing my hair away from my face, I straightened my body, preparing myself for the question that has been on my mind all night long. My hesitant composure must have gone unnoticed by Christopher.

" Hey, is everything all right?" A clear look of worry was displayed on his face.

" Yes, I mean, I'm not even sure if you will have the answers to my question but you seem to be the only practical option and- I don't really know many of his colleagues- I mean I do know Uncle Harris- Dr Harris I mean- but I'm not comfortable-," my rambling was cut off by a warm hand enveloping mine.

I stopped talking and tried the calm the racing of my heart. Maybe I came here with too much of an expectation. What if Chris doesn't know what is wrong with my father? Then what? I took slow long breathes, the stroking of my palms were also helping me relax.

After composing myself, with a clearer head, I asked, " Do you know if there is anything wrong with my father? He doesn't look very well this past few days."

It was silent for a period of time. Chris seemed taken a back my question. It was either he knew what was up and was reluctant in telling me or he was also shocked at the possibility of there being something wrong with my father. His eyes were calculating, it was obvious that he was carefully choosing his words. Before he could articulate anything, we were cut off by the ringing of his phone.

Chris looks towards me apologetically, " Go ahead, I can wait," I smiled giving him my permission to answer the call. He was a doctor with responsibilities. I was not that inconsiderate. Ch ris excused himself outside and I was left alone again in my own thoughts.

I could feel the constant glances Chris was throwing my way from the glass window. Uncertainty etched on his face and it didn't leave a good feeling on my stomach. I traced the rim of my mug, trying to occupy myself, at the same time mentally preparing myself for the possibility of him needing to rush back to the hospital. As much as it will disappoint me, I know that it was not within his control.

I perked up as I saw Chris make his way towards out table. " Everything okay?" I asked motioning towards his phone.

He ran his fingers through his hair, bringing my attention to his close to unnoticeable stubble growing on his face. I guess it had been a few long days for him too.

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