Club Lightweight

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     ~Song by Musiq-love~its the slow song they dance to.

             Lisa had really out done herself with me. As I looked in the mirror I couldn't remember when was the last time I saw this side of me. The glammed up almost pretty side of me. I looked at the full body mirror in front of me, Lisa had put my hair in waves letting it fall over my chest. With a little bit of dark purple eye shadow to match the top of my dress and a tad bit of black to match the bottom half of my dress my brown eyes popped out. To finish my make up all she added was a light touch of light pink gloss. Finally giving me a pair of black heels it finished the iutfit off and I was ready to go. Somehow I felt different I didn't feel like the outcasted girl at school.

     "You do like it right?" Lisa said as she put on her red heels matching her her red top and tan going out shorts. She had put her hair in a beautiful high pony tail. With just some red seductive lipstick and black cat eye liner for her makeup.

     "I do like it. I like it alot, thank you. I haven't seen myself like this in some time. I almost look-"

     "Beautiful! Cause that excatly what you are. Dont you ever forget it." 


        walking into the club I wore the best thing a girl could ever wear a smole on my face. I looked beautiful and most of all I felt it. I also noticed the eyes wondering my way and the slightly nkt so happy glears I got from the females dancing with their male friends or partners, whatever they were to each other.

         "Hey! We can find our table later I love this song, come onnnnnnn!!" Lisa yelled into my ear as she took hold of my hand and rushed us on the dance floor.

      "And I know she'll be the death of meeeeee" I cojld hear her more screaming then singing making me laugh.  "But I loveeee itttttt."

        I let the music vibrate in my body swinging my hips side to side while closing my eyes and opening them when the beat picked up pace.

      "Here take it. I wont take no for an answer." I looked down at the small shot glass in my hand filled with a clear liquid content. "Ready!? One, two, three." We both shot it to the back of our throats. I coughed a little as I felt the burning in my throat and my body heat up even more from it. I looked a Lisa still dancing watching her pony tail swing left and right. Grabbing her arm I walked her over to the bar, pushing past tight spaces and grinding bodies. I looked at Lisa and she was stearing at my with one eyebrow up.

      "Dont look at me like that you knkw I cant buy any, and as much as I hate the taste and the burn I want to have a blast tonight. Ok?"
         I told her in her ear and not only did she order twelve shits but when the guy looked at she leaned closer to him, with a seductive smile on her face and tits pretty much in his face so that he would get his attention off me and all and when I say all I mean all on her. Taking the tray she gave him a wink and gave her his an extra swing to the left and right knowing he was looking at her walking away.

      "Thank you." I pretty much yelled at her when we found our table and she placed the tray down. Her having a fake ID I must say sure came in handy.

      "I haven't seen you have this much fun nor smile this much in awhile. Lets get these shots in our system and have one hell of a night."

     "Cheers to that." I said as we clinked glasses and one by one we took our shots.

      It didn't take long for men to start asking her on the dance floor. I was asked as well but have another three shots to take left I declined with a smile and said I was tired of dancing. What u really wanted was to finish my shots and let the music and alcohol take control. That wasn't exactly what happened though.  I started thinking of how much I had changed, how little someone I had considered to be my bestfriend had and was still making me feel. I wiped the tear that slipped out of the corber of my eye and took my shots back to back not even feeling the burn anymore. I was so into my own little world I hadn't realized someone was even standing behind me, so when I turned around I lost me footing and would have landed stright on my ass if it wasn't for the hands that wrapped around my waist and pulled me close to a warm strong muscular body. The scent of his Colonge was was in toxicating I closed my eyes in breath it in.

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